Sonitrol Western Canada / Joe Wilson Blog

5 Strategies to Protect Your Business From Criminal Tailgating

Written by Joe Wilson | Feb 13, 2015 5:26:00 PM

You walk into your workplace, use your security card to swipe in, and then open the door for the person entering behind you.  This simple, courteous action can have serious consequences.

One of the easiest ways for a criminal to gain entry into your business is by “tailgating” your employees as they enter or exit their workplace. 

As criminals become bolder, tailgating is becoming a common security breach that refers to a situation where an unauthorized person tags along with an authorized person to gain entry into a restricted area or pass a certain checkpoint, without the consent of the authorized person.

So the main question comes down to, how to prevent tailgating in your office?

There are a few common methods that criminals use to tailgate, including following an authorized person into a location while giving the appearance they are being escorted, or even joining a large crowd who are authorized to enter yet are not supervised.  Regardless of the tactic, this type of a security breach can have serious repercussions.

While tailgating can have many consequences, from theft of employee valuables, to theft of intellectual property, it can be prevented.   

Here are my top 5 strategies for preventing criminal tailgating:

  1. Staff Education.  Explain the risks associated with tailgating and why staff should never open the door for someone they don't know.  A policy with clear guidelines about tailgating and a procedure that details what to do when an unauthorized person gains entry will empower your staff to prevent access and handle tailgating situations if they arise.

  2. Managed Access Control.  Installing a managed access system will ensure only authorized persons have access to specific areas.  You can set different levels for each employee to restrict and monitor access to specific areas at specific times.  Once you have implemented a system that controls access, you will be able to limit access to unauthorized persons and implement a staff policy that will protect your employees.  But this still may not stop someone holding the door open for the next person, which is why staff education is the most important strategy to implement.

  3. Visitor Badges.  Visitors and temporary employees should wear clear identification to indicate they are authorized to be in your facility.  This will also help your employees identify unauthorized persons by their lack of identification. In your policy, you should also include information on visitors and identification, but most importantly, information and procedures that will encourage employees to contact supervisors in the event that they are suspicious of an employee or visitor wearing identification.  This is an important step to help protect your business during business hours.

  4. Video Surveillance.  Installing a video surveillance system throughout your facility, including areas such entrances and secure rooms, will act as a deterrent and help identify the suspect if they successfully enter.  A verified, live monitored video will also provide the benefit of immediate police dispatch if a criminal does gain entry.  Our SonaVision Live Monitored Video will help you protect your employees and office from workplace violence, vandalism and theft.

  5. Reception Staff.  Having a staffed reception area will not only allow you to provide great customer service, but it will also help prevent unauthorized persons from gaining entry to your building by tailgating. Your reception staff can monitor who is entering your building and also make sure everyone, including employees, use their own access card to enter, rather than tailgating.

For more information about office security during business hours, you can visit my blog about How to Protect Your Business from Criminals During Business Hours

 Contact us today for a free security plan that will help you prevent tailgating.



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We're so confident in our technology and responsive service, that no one else in the industry can match our guarantee. Our unique verified audio and CCTV video business security solutions enable our operators to hear and see what is happening in your business before the criminals gain entry!! We verify the actual source of the alarm, and we get the police to attend the scene immediately. FOR A FREE SECURITY AUDIT, click here, or call 1-866-766-4876 - We are a security company with over 150 offices across North America serving clients across Western Canada in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon. 

Sonitrol Western Canada, with its Verified Electronic Security Systems, is committed to providing customers with the most comprehensive security protection. Cooperation in the elimination of false alarms is not only beneficial to the system’s user, but results in better protection of the entire community by allowing law enforcement to use their resources as efficiently as possible.