Sonitrol Western Canada / Joe Wilson Blog

75 Point Checklist to Make Your Retail Store Safe for the Holidays

Written by Joe Wilson | Oct 30, 2015 8:00:00 PM

As we approach the holiday season and the busiest time of year for retailers we need to take into account the security and safety of your retail store. To help with this we have created an invaluable security check list eBook for retailers for the holiday season - You can download the ebook here.


As a retailer, you're probably well aware of how costly and time consuming it is to manage loss prevention.


Shrinkage losses are a constant battle and not only hit the bottom line, but indirectly cost retailers time and resources for loss prevention management. Every retail storeowner needs to think seriously about preventing theft from a profit and loss perspective.


More importantly you need to provide your employees with a safe work environment, especially in the case of a violent armed robbery.


Retail stores that are very vulnerable to theft, with high value inventories, must invest in improving their security systems. 


A cheap CCTV system bought off the Internet with no real security features is not good enough and will put your employees at risk. 


Retailers cannot put the lives of their store employees on the line. Your local Police department are experts in handling armed robbery and dangerous situations and the sooner they're aware of the crime in progress the better. So you have to invest in a security system that works very well.


That's where we come in.  Sonitrol Western Canada, can help solve your retail security problems with a security solution custom designed for your retail store and focused on reducing theft, break and enter, and armed robbery.  

We not only help retailers put in place an integrated security system, but we also use verified alarms, which get an immediate police response. Because we use verified alarms we have the highest apprehension rate in the industry of over 172,000 criminals caught from a Sonitrol alarm system, and that equates to deterring criminals from even attempting to hit a Sonitrol protected site, and your products staying in your store until it's purchased, and your employees being safe.


Because local Police and law enforcement are very familiar with Sonitrol and how good our Sonitrol verified alarm system work - they trust us, they trust our alarms, and they will respond to an alarm call in an average 3.5 minutes!  That’s often enough time to catch the criminals red handed.


If you had a dangerous situation in your store, the police would be able to respond quickly and they would be able to manage the potentially dangerous situation. Sonitrol is able to give responding officers live intelligence on what is happening in your facility as we can see and hear exactly what is happening…… conventional alarms cannot do this. You wouldn’t think that working in retail would bring this kind of danger - but unfortunately, armed robbery and theft can happen at anytime, anywhere. Some types of retail locations like jewelry stores and pharmacies and medical marijuana stores are higher risk, but any retail store can be robbed and any employee victimized.


Our trusted Security Specialists give independent advice on what security measures are needed to protect your store.  Whether you're a "Mom and Pop" shop, a luxury products retailer, or a national retail chain, we'll audit your location and its vulnerabilities and we’ll recommend the right security system for that location.


To help you understand the importance of retail security we've developed a Retail Security Guide that you can download here. We hope you find the information in this Guide useful.


Take a moment and go through your store security system and procedures to identify where your business is vulnerable. Then give us a call to discuss your needs and we’ll follow up with professional advice and superior security equipment for access control, fire alarms, intrusion detection, or CCTV monitored cameras using our unique ‘verified’ alarm system.


About Sonitrol Western Canada:


We're so confident in our technology and responsive service, that no one else in the industry can match our guarantee.  Our unique verified audio and CCTV video business security solutions enable our operators to hear and see what is happening in your business before the criminals gain entry!!  We verify the actual source of the alarm, and we get the police to attend the scene immediately.  FOR A FREE SECURITY AUDIT, click here, or call 1-866-766-4876.

We are a security company with over 150 offices across North America. Sonitrol Western Canada services clients in:

Sonitrol Western Canada, with its Verified Electronic Security Systems, is committed to providing customers with the most comprehensive security protection.  Cooperation in the elimination of false alarms is not only beneficial to the system’s user, but results in better protection of the entire community by allowing law enforcement to use their resources as efficiently as possible.