Sonitrol Western Canada / Joe Wilson Blog

Canadian Marijuana Security Requirements

Written by Joe Wilson | Nov 27, 2015 5:00:00 PM

As political and business interests grow in legalizing marijuana in Canada, many businesses are poised to take advantage of the potential boom in marijuana production, distribution and retail.

The legal production, growing and cultivation, and selling of marijuana is already regulated and in place for the provision of medical marijuana. But if the federal Liberals make good on their promise to allow recreational use of the drug with friendlier laws on medical marijuana use in Canada - marijuana farming could boom and so will their security needs.

If you’re thinking of getting into the legal marijuana production and distribution business, or you're already licensed and operating for medical marijuana, then you need a top-notch marijuana security system that is going to work really well with a quick Police response - guaranteed.

Our Sonitrol legal marijuana business security solution will do the job for you.

But first, you must be aware of all the security requirements and conform to the current legislation Health Canada has issued. The guidance document - Building and Production Security Requirements for Marijuana for Medical purposes - is now available and this document should be read in conjunction with the relevant sections of other applicable guidance documents and the Directive on Physical Security Requirements for Controlled Substances.

The safeguarding of controlled substances is an issue that confronts all manufacturers, distributors, practitioners, pharmacists, law enforcement and government. Health Canada limits the handling of these substances through policies, guidelines and legislation such as the CDSA, the Next link will take you to another Web site Narcotic Control Regulations(NCR) and the MMPR. Cannabis, its preparations, derivatives, and similar synthetic preparations as listed under Schedule II of the CDSA are included in the definition of a controlled substance. Those wishing to engage in lawful activities must, therefore, be properly licensed and ensure that the controlled substances  are adequately secured and safeguarded at all times for public safety and to minimize risks of diversion.

The Health Canada licensed producer marijuana and cannabis security guidelines include the following main provisions which every legal marijuana and cannabis producer must comply.

Securing Your Marijuana Production Site:

A licensed marijuana producer’s site must be designated in a way that prevents unauthorized access and include physical barriers where cannabis is present. This may include security signage and physical barriers, access control systems, sensors, and intrusion detection systems.

Monitoring and Detection of Your Marijuana Production Facility:

The perimeter of your marijuana production site and all areas where marijuana is present must be visually monitored at all times by a visual recording device that can detect and record any attempted or successful occurrences of unauthorized access.

The perimeter and areas where cannabis are present have to feature an intrusion detection system that operates 24/7 and monitors and records illicit activities and access, movement in the site, and tampering with security systems.

Personnel are required to monitor intrusion detection and visual recording devices at all times and the appropriate steps must be taken in response to attempt or actual unauthorized access, tampering, and movement in the site. If an incident occurs, personnel must keep records of the details and the measures they took to respond.

Access Control and Security into your Marijuana Production Facility:

The law states that the site has to be designed in a way that prevents unauthorized access.

Access to areas where marijuana is present is restricted to licensed individuals whose presence is required by work responsibilities. 

In addition, the designated responsible person in charge or alternate person in charge must be physically present while employees are in these areas and a record of the identity of each person who exits and enters these areas must be kept.

Sonitrol's Legal Marijuana Security Solution Will Help You Comply With The Law:

Sonitrol’s security consultants will design a verified and fully integrated security system for your marijuana grow operation that employs the best physical security for your perimeter fences, windows, doors, with "authorized personnel only" access control ... but also you'll get a technically advanced verified video and audio monitoring system that the police will respond to.

Our verified SonaVision technology is a remotely monitored video solution that is considerably superior to CCTV. CCTV just records activity, at best, providing you with an after the fact video of a guy wearing a ski mask (unidentifiable), but more often provides nothing at all, since criminals are well aware they can remove the digital recorder or damage it enough that there is no record. If our SonaVision alarm system is tripped by a break-in or armed robbery, we stream the live SonaVision video directly to the responding Police units, so they're ready and prepared to catch the criminals in action.

Additionally, Sonitrol’s active audio continuously monitors the ambient sounds in a marijuana grow-op facility and when break-ins are attempted, the audio recordings are listened to by our monitoring station, and when verified, the Police are informed of a crime in progress. In the case of armed robberies, our live audio stream is passed directly to responding Police units so they can hear exactly what is happening.

Sonitrol security solutions include integrated access control to securely manage entry to gates and doors only allowing those who are authorized to enter. Our systems record all authorized entries and unauthorized entry attempts, adding another layer of security for your marijuana business.

Professional thieves know how Sonitrol verified security systems work; how they are very difficult to defeat and how Police across North America give a prioritized response to Sonitrol calls for crimes in progress. Therefore many professional criminals will not attempt to rob or break into a facility protected by Sonitrol.

Experienced criminals and armed robbers who are looking for quick wins, will not bother trying to challenge a Sonitrol system.  They would be more successful if they hit a facility protected with an unverified conventional alarm system with inferior CCTV, which can be easily beaten and doesn’t get a Police response.



About Sonitrol Western Canada:


We're so confident in our technology and responsive service, that no one else in the industry can match our guarantee.  Our unique verified audio and CCTV video business security solutions enable our operators to hear and see what is happening in your business before the criminals gain entry!!  We verify the actual source of the alarm, and we get the police to attend the scene immediately.  FOR A FREE SECURITY AUDIT, click here, or call 1-866-766-4876.

We are a security company with over 150 offices across North America. Sonitrol Western Canada services clients in:

Sonitrol Western Canada, with its Verified Electronic Security Systems, is committed to providing customers with the most comprehensive security protection.  Cooperation in the elimination of false alarms is not only beneficial to the system’s user, but results in better protection of the entire community by allowing law enforcement to use their resources as efficiently as possible.