Sonitrol Western Canada / Joe Wilson Blog

Catalytic Converters More Valuable Than Gold: Secure Your Dealership!

Written by Joe Wilson | March 11, 2021

Is your automotive dealership secure from the threat of criminals? With catalytic converters now more valuable than gold, now is the time to focus on your dealership’s security strategy to ensure your business is safe from the rising threat of theft.

The theft of catalytic converters from the exhaust system of vehicles has become a growing problem across Canada, with thieves targeting the three precious metals inside the converter - platinum, rhodium and palladium.

Those metals are currently more valuable than gold, leaving dealerships at increased risk of theft.

According to a CBC article, palladium is currently selling for just over $2,800 an ounce, which is expected to rise to $3,000 by the end of the year. Meanwhile, platinum is selling for $1,500 and rhodium is selling for around $30,000 (US) an ounce.

By comparison, an ounce of gold is currently selling for about $2,200.

The rise in prices of these metals is largely down to automotive manufacturers tightening emissions standards. To do so successfully, manufacturers need to put more platinum, rhodium and palladium into catalytics converters and that’s pushing the price up.

Thefts of catalytic converters are rising across the country, and Western Canada is no exception. Hundreds of catalytic converters were reported stolen in Edmonton alone earlier this year, with as many as 55 in one week. Meanwhile, in late January two Edmonton men were arrested and charged after they allegedly stole several converters from one area of the city.

Speaking to CBC News, Bryan Gast, the National Director of Investigative Services at the Insurance Bureau of Canada, said: “Catalytic converters have been stolen for years. The difference lately is the price of precious metals, and obviously it's the precious metals inside those catalytic converters that they're looking to steal and then sell on the black market.”

He added that both new cars and used cars can be a target, pretty much any vehicle with a catalytic converter.

With that in mind, how can you improve the security of your automotive dealership and prevent the theft of catalytic converters from your lot? Sonitrol Western Canada is here to help with its unique verified security solution.

Secure your dealership with Sonitrol’s verified security solution!

Want to ramp up your automotive dealership’s security solution? Sonitrol’s verified alarm security solution is the best way to protect your business from thieves and vandals - who could significantly dent your profits.

Unlike CCTV systems that simply record thefts as they occur, Sonitrol’s verified alarm solutions monitor your premises for criminal activity. This video or audio feed is then sent to a security expert in a 24/7 central monitoring station, who is able to verify whether the alarm is a real threat.

Once verified, your local police department is notified immediately with real-time updates on the crime as it takes place. Since the alarm is verified and police know it’s real, the average response time for Sonitrol verified alarms is just 3.5 minutes across North America - compared to the staggering 45 minutes of traditional CCTV surveillance.

A snapshot of why Sonitrol is the best security solution for your automotive dealership:
Police respond to verified alarms quickly to catch intruders red-handed, with an average response time of just 3.5 minutes across North America.
Sonitrol’s verified alarms have helped police apprehend more than 175,000 criminals.
Highly sensitive audio, motion and heat controls easily detect thieves and vandals in the perimeter and interior of your dealership.
We design a security solution for the specific requirements and design of your dealership.

Want to learn more about how our world-class verified security solution can secure your dealership? Contact Sonitrol Western Canada today. Our team would love to set up a free, no charge and no obligation, security plan for your business.