Sonitrol Western Canada / Joe Wilson Blog

Security Tips to Protect Your Retail Store From Crime & Shrinkage Losses

Written by Joe Wilson | Jan 4, 2023 3:24:04 PM

In a competitive industry like retail, every dollar counts. And you know what you’re up against. Numerous industry studies show that shoplifting and employee theft losses per annum are huge. The 2020 National Retail Security Survey found shrinkage at an all-time high, accounting for 1.62% of a retailer’s bottom line — costing the industry $61.7 billion. 

Those shrinkage losses don’t include other threats to your bottom line: losses from robbery or burglary, fire or vandalism, or fraudulent injury claims, to name a few.

Below are some tips to help enhance your retail security and better protect your store from crime throughout the year.

1. Install verified security alarms

Installing verified security alarms in your retail store is one of the most effective ways to ward off potential criminals and deter them from committing a crime. It also helps to alert store owners of any activity that may be occurring in the store. And even if a criminal does break in, you’ll be sure to catch them red-handed since police respond to verified alarms quickly. 

2. Install smart lighting

Smart lighting is a great way to add an extra layer of protection to your store. Consider installing motion-sensor lights near the entrances and exits of your store, as well as near the cash register. This will allow the store to be well-lit throughout the evening and will help to deter criminals from entering the store.

3. Train employees

Train your employees to be aware of their surroundings and how to spot suspicious activity. Provide regular safety briefings which emphasize the importance of being vigilant and reporting any suspicious activity to store owners or local authorities.

4. Use access control

Using access control such as key cards, biometric scanners, or other electronic systems can help you control who is entering and exiting the store. This helps to protect your premises from unauthorized access and provides an extra layer of security.

5. Secure valuables

Make sure any valuable items are securely locked away when the store is closed. This helps to discourage potential criminals from attempting to steal valuable items. Managed access control, as mentioned above, can be an effective way to do this. 

6. Secure entry points

Ensure that all entry points to the store are secured with strong locks. This will help to protect the store from unwanted access and prevent criminals from gaining access to the store.

7. Develop an emergency plan

It is important to have an emergency plan in place in case of any criminal activity or suspicious activity. Make sure all employees know the plan and are aware of any safety protocols.

8. Stay informed about local crime trends

It is important to stay up-to-date on any local crime trends. Be aware of the potential threats in your area and adjust your security protocols accordingly.

9. Review your insurance coverage

Make sure you’re covered with the appropriate insurance for your retail store. This provides protection in the event of any criminal activity occurring in the store and will help to mitigate any losses that may be incurred.

10. Utilize cybersecurity measures

If you offer online ordering or shopping, make sure you have adequate cybersecurity measures in place to protect online shoppers from potential fraud or identity theft.

By taking these steps and following the tips above, you will be able to help protect your retail store from crime and reduce losses. Need further help securing your retail store? Get in touch with the Sonitrol Western Canada team today.