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Third Apprehension at WesTower Communications

Joe Wilson
by Joe Wilson
May 4, 2017 9:13:00 AM

w_logo.pngPlease send our thanks to Calgary Police Services, their 911 operators and your central station monitoring staff for their outstanding teamwork in arresting 2 thieves who broke into our compound in the early hours of Easter morning! Your monitoring staff detected these thieves immediately as they entered our compound and stayed on the line with the 911 operators while the attending officers were on their way to our site; directing the officers to exactly where they were in our yard, and arresting them without incident.

This is the 3rd thank you letter of recognition I have had the pleasure of writing to Calgary Police Services since we went live with your Sonavision Live Monitored Video system in 2010. We are very glad we made the decision to invest in your technology.

Again, a huge thank you to the Calgary Police and all others involved for their outstanding work!


Clay Dashney
WesTower Communications


To read the original Thank You letter from WesTower Communications, click here. 

Joe Wilson
Post by Joe Wilson
May 4, 2017 9:13:00 AM
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