Criminal activity way down at Mott Electric in Burnaby, thanks to Sonitrol Security System

"Dear Mike;
Please send our thanks to the Burnaby RCMP!
We installed your Sonavision Live Monitored Video system to protect our yard in October 2010 after years of frustration with undetected break-ins... Nothing we tried previously had ever deterred the criminal activity in our yard, or had any success in catching the criminals cutting our fences and stealing our product.
A few months after we went live, your monitoring stafff dispatched the Burnaby RCMP to a B&E to our yard.. the thieves avoided Police that time.. but escaped empty handed. Early this morning, your monitoring staff again dispatched the Burnaby RCMP to an intruder inside our yard and he weas apprehended moments later!
We are very pleased.. Criminal activity in our yard is way down.. and your system clearly works - both as a deterrent and as means of catching the criminal element. We are sending a sincere thank you to the Burnaby RCMP, their 911 Operators and your Sonitrol monitoring staff for doing a great job!
Graham Trafford, GM, Mott Electric

Jan 13, 2014 11:54:00 AM