Construction Site Security – The Technology Solution You Need To Know

Wherever construction is happening, there are always the related problems of construction site break-ins, vandalism and theft.
Theft in particular is becoming a common occurrence, and is a big construction site security challenge, costing the industry more than $2 billion a year in North America.
Construction site theft happens on projects of all sizes, ranging from enormous construction projects such as airports, office towers, and highways, to small in-fill housing developments.
Gangs, organized professional criminals, thieves working alone, or even construction site workers, all target construction sites. They will steal anything, from copper wiring, appliances, tools, dry wall sheets, lumber, and various other useful materials that an opportunist thief might want for another construction site, their personal use, or to resell to friends.
As a consequence, not only can the cost of construction site theft significantly affect already thin profits, costly construction delays can happen.
But there’s also another side. The administrative costs involved in putting the matter right; ordering replacement parts, buying new tools and appliances, waiting for delivery, scheduling repairs, making a police report, and filling out insurance forms – all have financial consequences and can lead to time delays.
To solve this construction site security problem, Sonitrol Western Canada advocates the adoption of the SonaVision construction site security solution, that detects criminals as they enter the construction site, followed by a verified Police response that will have the thieves apprehended promptly.
Construction Sites Have Always Been a Challenge to Protect
Traditionally, construction companies have put up construction fencing, trying to keep people out. This obviously keeps the honest person out, but actually, they do not prevent criminals getting in.
A popular construction site security solution was once to employ guards, but the problem with guards is they're expensive (costing $6,000 to $10,000 a month), they cannot view the whole construction site with one set of eyes, and they can be unreliable and corruptible. Not everyone can stay awake every night of the week, especially when there's nothing going on … so some guards go to sleep on the job. Sometimes guards even participate in the actual crime, because they're not well paid, or they’re vulnerable. So construction site guards have always been a challenge and they haven’t really worked out well for the construction industry.
The Construction Industry Security Solution Is To Use Technology
The solution to construction site security is to use SonaVision, an advanced, real-time, heat and motion video monitoring technology, a solution that Sonitrol developed and pioneered for construction sites over the past 10 years.
Sonitrol has developed SonaVision, as a hard-wired or wireless, integrated security solution that uses advanced video and motion detection equipment to create an electronic perimeter around the construction site perimeter.
It uses infrared, so we see in the dark. When the system is armed it will sense any heat and movement that happens around the construction compound, so when it spots the movement of a person jumping the fence in the middle of the night, we can instantly see it’s something bad, it's a verified break-in, so we dispatch the police immediately.
SonaVision is vastly superior to standard, digital recorder based monitored video, and static CCTV cameras that simply record video, because SonaVision detection is immediate and because it is a verified alarm, police will respond to … quickly and without question. (Check out our references and testimonials and video clips on our website.)
When the police arrive, and before the vandal can damage the property, or the thief steals a bobcat or copper wire, they are apprehended.
Developers and Construction Site Supervisors Love Sonitrol!
Developers love SonaVision because they can login from an operational point of view and see how the project is going and see what’s happening during the day, and make sure deliveries were made.
The construction site superintendents like SonaVision because they can look around from a WCB point of view, and ensure the trades are actually following proper procedures and techniques.
Sonitrol Security Consultants Recommend The Proper Construction Site Security Solutions
Finally, Sonitrol employs Security Consultants, not alarm salesman. Sonitrol will not tell you what you want to hear, they won’t under protect your site simply to be cheaper to win the sale.
If twelve cameras are required, that’s what Sonitrol will recommend. Copycats may recommend fewer cameras, just to be cheaper, as they can only compete on price! But that will mean you will have unprotected areas that will be missed and your construction site will be vulnerable to break-ins. At Sonitrol we want to be your long-term Security Partner providing consulting, installation and monitoring for life!
We do not provide cheap one-time sales that will disappoint.
So when reviewing your construction site security options, not only is SonaVision the best technology solution available, with a guarantee and commitment to service that is second to none. But also the Sonitrol SonaVision construction site security solution is very cost effective, so you can save tens of thousands of dollars over the lifetime of the project, and that’s a great return on investment!
About Sonitrol Western Canada:
We're so confident in our technology and responsive service, that no one else in the industry can match our guarantee. Our unique verified audio and video business security solutions enable our operators to hear and see what is happening in your business before the criminals gain entry!! We verify the actual source of the alarm, and we get the police to attend the scene immediately. Read the TESTIMONIALS about Sonitrol from some of our Construction Clients. For a FREE CONSTRUCTION SITE SECURITY AUDIT, click here or call 1-866-766-4876
More Construction Site Security Information That's Available On Our Sonitrol Website:
- Sonitrol vs. Conventional Alarms
- Our Gaurantee and Commitment to Service
- Watch Real Sonitrol Construction Site Apprehensions
- Construction Site Security In The News
- Sonitrol Construction Client Testimonials
- Free Construction Site Audit
- Construction Security Information Sheet (PDF)
Construction Security, CCTV Video Surveillance, Security for Fenced Compounds, Security for Construction Sites
January 27, 2014