Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



The Top 10 Myths About Commercial Security Alarms

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 16, 2021

With crime on the rise in both British Columbia and Alberta, you’re probably wondering how you can better secure and protect your Western Canada-based business? 

Whether you are opening a brand-new business, moving locations or simply looking to enhance your existing security alarms, protecting your business is vital. There’s no doubt about it, falling victim to a crime can be completely crippling for some businesses.

Implementing the right security system can significantly lower the risk of your business being impacted by crime. Yet so many organizations simply don’t know what to look for when choosing a commercial alarm and security company.

In this blog, we take a look at the top 10 myths about commercial security alarms, so you know exactly what to look out for when making your decision.

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Topics: Verified Video Surveillance, CCTV, Verified Security Alarms

8 Businesses That Need Video Security Systems

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 04, 2017

Monitored and verified CCTV / video security systems ensure your business is protected. Anytime you're not watching, criminals will seize the chance to act.

CCTV surveillance can be used to protect companies in a number of industries. Surveillance doesn’t just mean installing a CCTV camera. The system needs to be monitored and alarms verified, otherwise a CCTV camera is just a recording device.

Here are 8 businesses that can benefit greatly from the use of monitored and verified CCTV and video security systems.

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Topics: Automotive, Fenced Compounds, Restaurants, Commercial Security, CCTV, Copper Theft, Construction Security, Retail Security, Office Building Security, Church, Dealerships, Security for Pharmacies

Why You Need A Commercial Security System With A Low False Alarm Rate

Posted by Joe Wilson

June 30, 2017

Nobody expects to have their business fall victim to robbery, vandalism, arson or any number of crimes but it happens.

While you can’t stop the risk completely you can reduce it, and if it does happen, there is a way to feel confident that the necessary response teams will be there quickly.

Sonitrol’s unique verified audio and video CCTV security systems enable our operators to hear and see what is happening at your place of business before the criminals gain entry! This allows us to verify the source of the alarm in real-time, and if it is the result of criminal activity, the local authorities are notified swiftly.

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Topics: CCTV, Police Response Times, CCTV Video Surveillance, Prevent False Alarms

Combat Rural Farm Crime with a Sonitrol Monitored Security System | Rural Perimeter Security

Posted by Joe Wilson

June 27, 2017

Like a construction site or a fenced compound, farms have thousands upon thousands of dollars invested in equipment and facilities, not to mention crop and product.

Agricultural facilities are incredibly vulnerable for break-ins, vandalism, fire and theft.

It was just this year that a police chase resulted in thousands of dollars’ worth of damage for an Albertan farmer. Around the same time that this happened, thieves stole $20,000 worth of canola from a farm in Manitoba.

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Topics: Equipment, CCTV

What Kind of CCTV Camera Should I Install For Business Security?

Posted by Joe Wilson

June 14, 2017

One of the most popular security devices that businesses install are CCTV cameras. They are relatively inexpensive, and they can give a sense of security to businesses that they are protected from theft, break-ins and other crimes. But, there is a vast array of CCTV cameras and CCTV technology available, they're not all equal, and they can provide different levels of security, ranging from useless to totally secure.

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Topics: CCTV Versus Sonavision, CCTV, CCTV Video Surveillance

6 Ways to Prevent Inventory Loss With Retail Security

Posted by Joe Wilson

April 05, 2017

Inventory shrinkage is a huge problem for retailers. In fact, Canadian retailers lose about $4 billion a year to theft, errors and damage. Retailers are constantly looking for ways to reduce their losses - from eliminating shoplifting, to reducing internal errors in shipping and accounting.

Sometimes the risk of inventory loss can outweigh a retailer’s resources for managing it.

That's where we can help. I'd like to share with you 5 tips that will help you better manage your inventory and prevent loss.

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Topics: Retail, CCTV, Retail Security, Managed Access Control, CCTV Video Surveillance

How to Secure Your Business After a Burglary?

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 20, 2016

No one ever expects it. You think you’re prepared, that you have taken the appropriate precautions to prevent such a thing to happen. Then your business is burgled. Now what? 

It is a very traumatic experience when a business gets burgled. You feel as though a part of you has been violated. Important documents, electronic files and/or product could be missing that you may never get back. You must think to yourself, how did this happen? What went wrong? Did I set the alarms? Do I have the right security system? These are all questions that should be flowing through your mind after such a traumatic occurrence. These questions need answers.

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Topics: CCTV, Verified Alarms, Verified Security Alarms

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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