Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



How Monitored Access Control Can Deter Crime for Canadian Businesses

Posted by Joe Wilson

November 23, 2023

From small startups to large corporations, the need for robust security measures has never been more critical. 

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Topics: Office Building Security, Monitored Audio Alarms

Solutions for Protecting Your Business from Insider Threats

Posted by Joe Wilson

July 20, 2023

When it comes to business security, people often focus on external threats. Yet, it's crucial not to overlook the potential dangers posed by individuals within your organization.

Insider threats, whether intentional or accidental, can be just as detrimental to a company's security and success. Incidents such as internal theft, vandalism, unauthorized access, and workplace violence can have severe consequences for businesses.

The good news is, by implementing a multi-layered approach to security and company culture, your business can effectively mitigate these risks.

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Topics: Office Building Security, Building Access Control

Enhancing Employee Safety with Panic Buttons and Duress Alarms

Posted by Joe Wilson

July 11, 2023

At Sonitrol Western Canada, we understand the significance of employee safety within any organization. Every employer has a moral and legal obligation to prioritize the well-being of their workforce. That's why we offer advanced, verified security solutions that go beyond traditional measures. 

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Topics: Managed Access Control, Office Building Security, Building Access Control

6 Tips to Choose the Right Security System For Your Business

Posted by Joe Wilson

May 23, 2023

As a business owner, protecting your company's assets and employees should be a top priority. A reliable security system can help prevent theft, unauthorized access, and other security threats. 

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Topics: Commercial Security, Office Building Security

What is Time Theft and What Can You Do About it?

Posted by Joe Wilson

January 09, 2023

When you think of employee theft, you likely think of employees stealing cash, inventory, and other tangible property. But that isn’t the only form of theft. Employees can also steal from your business through time theft.

Just recently, amanager resigned from his position to avoid an investigation into time theft, which would have required him to pay back a substantial amount of wages for time that was misused.

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Topics: Office Building Security

How Secure is Your Business? 5 Security Practices Every Company Should Implement

Posted by Joe Wilson

July 08, 2020

Want to protect your organization from the threat of break-and-enters, vandalism and other violent crimes that can have damaging outcomes for your business? Your security policy should be your first line of defence. 

Through the implementation of security technologies and some best practices, you can create a security policy that minimizes the chance of your business’s premises falling susceptible to criminal activity. 

In this blog, Sonitrol Western Canada has listed five security best practices that you should strongly consider implementing into your organization’s security policy.

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Topics: Office Building Security, Office Workplace Security

Security Tips: Protecting Your Business From Crime While It’s Closed

Posted by Joe Wilson

March 30, 2020

Current events regarding COVID-19 have led to an increase in business closures and more teams working remotely. That means a business security solution is more important than ever before. 

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Topics: Retail Security, Small Business Security, Office Building Security, Government Building Security, Restaurant Security

5 Tips and Tricks That Will Help Your Business Improve its Office Security

Posted by Joe Wilson

April 23, 2019

Business offices of all kinds, whether small, large, one floor or taking up an entire multi-floor property, must ensure that they are as secure as possible to prevent theft and ensure the protection of their valuable assets.

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Topics: Office Building Security

Are You a Property Manager? Here’s how to Secure Your Multi-Tenant Office Building

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 07, 2018

Christmas represents a happy time of the year, where family and friends get together and spirits are high all around. However, if you’re a property owner or manager with multiple tenants, don’t let that bring you into a false sense of security.

While Christmas can be one of the most joyous times of the year and a time to celebrate with those you love, criminals are known to take advantage of businesses throughout the festive months. 

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Topics: Office Building Security

Protecting Your Office While You're Away for The Holidays

Posted by Joe Wilson

November 23, 2018

The holiday season is fast approaching which means many professional businesses are getting ready for reduced office hours and time off.

Whether you run a small business, a law firm, an accountant practice, or a general business operation, your business is vulnerable to crime, especially at this time of year when employees are away and you have closed up shop for some well-deserved time with friends and family. 

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Topics: Office Building Security

Make Office Security a Priority in 2018 with a Sonitrol Verified System

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 27, 2017

The importance of security systems for offices can be underestimated, as a lot of people don’t see them as a target, but an alarming amount of businesses are at risk with increased criminal activity in offices.

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Topics: Offices, Office Building Security

Better Secure Your Office by Asking These 5 Questions

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 09, 2017

Businesses of all sizes and types are at risk of being targeted for a crime. Whether you run a small business, a law firm, an accountant practice, or a general business operation, your business is vulnerable on a variety of fronts.

Criminals looking for cash, information or computer equipment aren’t the only threat. Employee theft, vandalism, and trespassing are also growing issues.

That’s why your office needs to take the right measures to protect the company, and the best way to start is by conducting a risk assessment.

Risk assessments help you identify areas in and around your business that provide an opportunity for crime. A Risk Assessment Checklist or Questionnaire is the best way get started.

Here are 5 areas you’ll want to look into when you conduct a Risk Assessment.

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Topics: Office Building Security

8 Businesses That Need Video Security Systems

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 04, 2017

Monitored and verified CCTV / video security systems ensure your business is protected. Anytime you're not watching, criminals will seize the chance to act.

CCTV surveillance can be used to protect companies in a number of industries. Surveillance doesn’t just mean installing a CCTV camera. The system needs to be monitored and alarms verified, otherwise a CCTV camera is just a recording device.

Here are 8 businesses that can benefit greatly from the use of monitored and verified CCTV and video security systems.

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Topics: Automotive, Fenced Compounds, Restaurants, Commercial Security, CCTV, Copper Theft, Construction Security, Retail Security, Office Building Security, Church, Dealerships, Security for Pharmacies

6 Tips to Make Your Business Less Attractive to Criminals

Posted by Joe Wilson

June 16, 2017

If your business is vulnerable to break-ins, theft, vandalism, fire or other threats, security should be top of mind. Unprotected or poorly protected businesses are at high risk, and business owners need an integrated, high-quality security system like Sonitrol's to effectively ward off criminals and protect their assets.

Security systems aside for the moment, there are other things that you can do to make your building less welcoming to intruders and criminals. By making it clear to the criminals that your business, whether it's an office, store or warehouse, is not an easy target, you can further deter them.

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Topics: Security Tips, Office Building Security

Keyless Entry Security Is A Better Way In And Out

Posted by Joe Wilson

April 20, 2017

When an employee misplaces their key to your business, it should never be taken lightly. A lost key not only puts your business at greater risk for trespassing, vandalism, and theft, it can also put your employees at risk if they are at the office when a criminal gains access. 

That's why it's critical that misplaced keys are reported immediately and that access to the affected areas be changed - the longer you wait, the longer you risk that someone will use the key.

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Topics: Keyless Access Control, Commercial Security, Retail Security, Keyless Entry, Managed Access Control, Professional Office Seccurity, Office Building Security, Dealerships, Building Access Control

Protect Your Business With the 5 D's of Commercial Security

Posted by Joe Wilson

April 10, 2017

Business owners are right to be concerned about the security of their facility and property. Businesses are the number one targets for crime. The National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association estimates that property crime averages 75% of all crime committed. 

It's true that some types of commercial enterprises are more attractive to thieves because of what they sell or inventory - medical marijuana, jewelry, electronics, to name a few, but even if you aren't in high-end retail, don't be fooled into thinking you are safe. Thieves break into constructions sites, tire warehouses, fenced compounds, and even ordinary business offices, to steal information like employee data for identify theft.

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Topics: Fenced Compounds, Commercial Security, Legal Marijuana Grow-Op Security, Construction Security, Retail Security, Office Building Security, CCTV Video Surveillance, Building Access Control, Criminal Apprehension

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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