Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



The Evolution of Commercial Security: Why Verified Alarms are Best

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 21, 2023

The landscape of commercial security has undergone a significant transformation over the past few decades, evolving from basic mechanical systems to sophisticated, technology-driven solutions.

This evolution has been driven by the need for more efficient, reliable, and scalable security measures to protect businesses, as crimes such as theft, vandalism and break-and-enters become increasingly more sophisticated and difficult to prevent.

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Topics: Commercial Security, Verified Alarms

False Alarm vs False Dispatch, and How to Prevent Both

Posted by Joe Wilson

June 17, 2022

A false alarm can be stressful for a business owner, wasting their time, money and resources. False alarms cause businesses needless worry, wastes their time while they figure out what happened and is just generally frustrating.

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Topics: Verified Alarms, False Alarms

4 Times CCTV Cameras Do Not Work (And Verified Security Does)

Posted by Joe Wilson

January 28, 2020

Sure, CCTV cameras work in certain situations – when you want to supervise staff to ensure they are working, observing that worker laws are being followed, or even when verifying that products were shipped or received.

But outside of basic operational management needs and recording, CCTVs are a long way from being the best security solution.

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Topics: Verified Alarms

Top Tips to Help Prevent Damage to Your Business When Fire Strikes

Posted by Joe Wilson

June 19, 2019

Businesses in Western Canada are subject to a number of dangers from break-ins, theft, vandalism and property damage, and that’s why a security solution is essential for the success of your company.

Another major vulnerability for your company is fire, which can cause extreme damage in a very short period of time. In fact, according to the Occupation Health and Safety Administration, fire and explosions result in more than $2.3 billion in damage every year.

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Topics: Verified Alarms

Own a Business in Rural Alberta? Here’s Why You Need a Verified Security Solution

Posted by Joe Wilson

June 13, 2019

Owning a business is difficult. There are so many aspects of running your company that you need to get right, and spending your time worrying about external threats such as vandalism and crime should not be on that list.

That’s why organizations across Alberta need to ensure they implement a world-class verified security solution that will allow them to focus on what matters - running their core business and driving new revenue opportunities.

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Topics: Verified Alarms

4-Step Guide to Protect Your Business from the Potential Threat of Fires

Posted by Joe Wilson

May 31, 2019

Whether it’s due to arson, wildfires or human error, thousands of non-residential fires occur in Western Canada each year. These fires cause huge distress to business owners and significant damage to the organization’s they own.

The best way to protect your company from the devastating effects of fire is to analyze your risk, implement levels of protection through new technologies and train your workforce on how to act if a fire does occur. 

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Topics: Verified Alarms

Alberta is Cutting Down on Rural Crime, but Here are 3 Reasons why Farmers Still Need to Improve Their Security

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 07, 2019


The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has recently revealed figures relating to two recent pilot projects aimed at reducing rural crime in central Alberta - and so far they have been a success! 

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Topics: Verified Alarms

5 Common Misconceptions About Security Alarm Systems

Posted by Joe Wilson

April 20, 2018

Thousands of small, medium and large businesses are broken into every day, with the result sometimes being catastrophic for the company.

Whether opening for the first time, moving locations or simply looking to upgrade, business owners have a lot of aspects to consider. The security of their premises should be high priority on that list.

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Topics: Verified Alarms, Crime Prevention Tips, Security Tips

4 Key Security Strategies to Employ for Your Business

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 27, 2017

Protecting your business should be one of your main priorities. So where do you start, and what steps do you take to install a security system that will really work well for your business?

Here are four security strategies to employ to ensure your business is kept safe and secure at all times.

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Topics: Keyless Access Control, Verified Alarms, Security Tips

'Tis The Season For Property Theft

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 15, 2016

 The weather is getting colder, perhaps it is even snowing where you are. With the start of the cold weather comes the holiday season. Unfortunately, some people are running around trying to make some extra cash or find that perfect gift, and some folks find that this is the hardest time of year, with heating bills increasing, buying gifts for the holidays. For example, numerous seasonal labourers constantly get let go due to the shut down of construction sites, farms, mines and oil fields with the extreme decrease in temperatures and traitorous weather at this time of year. It can get to the point where some people decide to make poor decisions that come with unfortunate consequences, and some people turn to theft and burglary.

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Topics: Verified Alarms, Crime Prevention Tips, Security Tips

Why Conventional Security Systems Don’t Work

Posted by Joe Wilson

November 03, 2016

Conventional security systems have been used in the work place for many decades, and they still remain popular for many businesses today.  However, conventional security systems have security problems that you should be aware of. They are not effective because they are easily beaten and do not receive a Police Response. They may use motion detectors and door contacts but they cause nothing but false alarms and user headaches. This is not an alarm system that a criminal would be afraid of, nor is it a deterrent.

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Topics: Verified Alarms, Police Response Times, Prevent False Alarms

How to Secure Your Business After a Burglary?

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 20, 2016

No one ever expects it. You think you’re prepared, that you have taken the appropriate precautions to prevent such a thing to happen. Then your business is burgled. Now what? 

It is a very traumatic experience when a business gets burgled. You feel as though a part of you has been violated. Important documents, electronic files and/or product could be missing that you may never get back. You must think to yourself, how did this happen? What went wrong? Did I set the alarms? Do I have the right security system? These are all questions that should be flowing through your mind after such a traumatic occurrence. These questions need answers.

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Topics: CCTV, Verified Alarms, Verified Security Alarms

Why Verified Security Systems Are the Best?

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 06, 2016

As a business owner you take pride in every aspect of your company including the infrastructure, processed documentation, products/services, employees and of course, your customers. In order to keep every part of your business safe and secure, it’s prudent to have a really good security system set in place. You’re probably already aware that there are many different kinds of security systems that could be used, some work well, some don’t. But do you know if your system is verified or not?

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Topics: CCTV Versus Sonavision, Verified Alarms

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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