Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



The Evolution of Security Systems

Posted by Joe Wilson

September 22, 2023

As technology marches forward at an ever-accelerating pace, the evolution of security solutions has transformed the way we protect what matters most. 

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Topics: SonaVision, Security Tips, Small Business Security, Building Access Control

False Alarms are Costly Time-Wasters

Posted by Joe Wilson

January 06, 2021

In the News: 

“Alberta RCMP are following a new alarm policy after just under 15,500 false alarms took up an estimated 8,000 human resource hours in 2017. The new policy, which came into effect on July 13, states that police will verify alarms before responding and will not respond to alarms that are only triggered once.

Saskatoon Police Service (SPS) is asking city council to raise the fee when officers respond to false alarms. Officials believe by increasing the fee, it would serve as a further deterrent for security alarm customers from having false alarms and allow officers to spend more time on other duties. On average, officers have responded to 2,100 false alarms each year over the past five years.” Global News

Despite decades of warnings and changes to bylaws to introduce fines, local police forces are still burdened with false alarms every year. If a false alarm results in a call to the police or other emergency services, it isn’t just the time and money of the emergency services that will be wasted - it often now results in a fine for your business.

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Topics: Security Tips

Do You Own a Business in Vancouver? Break & Enters Increased by 99%

Posted by Joe Wilson

June 22, 2020

If you own a business in British Columbia, then new data released by police in Vancouver collected during the COVID-19 pandemic should be a shocking realization that you may need to revisit your company’s security solution.

Despite Vancouver police noting that their calls for service across the city have been down overall, as reported by CTV News, there has been a whopping 99 percent increase in commercial break and enters in the last eight weeks when compared with the same time period in 2019.

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Topics: Security Tips, Small Business Security, Office Workplace Security

7 Reasons Why Your Business is Enticing to Criminals

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 23, 2019

Some industries and businesses are more susceptible to crime than others. This is especially true for organizations that store high-value products in their inventory, as well as equipment or information.

But, did you know that there are things that you may be doing that make your building more attractive to criminals than other companies?

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Topics: Security Tips

Fire Alarm Monitoring: How to Keep Your Business Protected Against Fires

Posted by Joe Wilson

August 24, 2018

A large portion of Western Canada is currently under threat from a vast number of wildfires, with a thick blanket of smoke covering the air as far east as Saskatchewan and even Winnipeg, Manitoba.

There are more than 540 active fires in British Columbia (BC) alone, and the wildfire season has already burned over 6,000 square kilometres of land - making it already the third worst wildfire season on record in the province. 

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Topics: Security Tips

5 Common Misconceptions About Security Alarm Systems

Posted by Joe Wilson

April 20, 2018

Thousands of small, medium and large businesses are broken into every day, with the result sometimes being catastrophic for the company.

Whether opening for the first time, moving locations or simply looking to upgrade, business owners have a lot of aspects to consider. The security of their premises should be high priority on that list.

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Topics: Verified Alarms, Crime Prevention Tips, Security Tips

6 Tips to Make Your Business Less Attractive to Criminals

Posted by Joe Wilson

June 16, 2017

If your business is vulnerable to break-ins, theft, vandalism, fire or other threats, security should be top of mind. Unprotected or poorly protected businesses are at high risk, and business owners need an integrated, high-quality security system like Sonitrol's to effectively ward off criminals and protect their assets.

Security systems aside for the moment, there are other things that you can do to make your building less welcoming to intruders and criminals. By making it clear to the criminals that your business, whether it's an office, store or warehouse, is not an easy target, you can further deter them.

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Topics: Security Tips, Office Building Security

4 Key Security Strategies to Employ for Your Business

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 27, 2017

Protecting your business should be one of your main priorities. So where do you start, and what steps do you take to install a security system that will really work well for your business?

Here are four security strategies to employ to ensure your business is kept safe and secure at all times.

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Topics: Keyless Access Control, Verified Alarms, Security Tips

'Tis The Season For Property Theft

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 15, 2016

 The weather is getting colder, perhaps it is even snowing where you are. With the start of the cold weather comes the holiday season. Unfortunately, some people are running around trying to make some extra cash or find that perfect gift, and some folks find that this is the hardest time of year, with heating bills increasing, buying gifts for the holidays. For example, numerous seasonal labourers constantly get let go due to the shut down of construction sites, farms, mines and oil fields with the extreme decrease in temperatures and traitorous weather at this time of year. It can get to the point where some people decide to make poor decisions that come with unfortunate consequences, and some people turn to theft and burglary.

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Topics: Verified Alarms, Crime Prevention Tips, Security Tips

3 Last Minute Retail Safety Checks Before Black Friday

Posted by Joe Wilson

November 18, 2016

In last week's blog we talked a lot about security solutions retail stores should take into consideration to prevent theft, especially right before the holiday season gets under way. This week I want to focus more on the security of your staff and customers. Product theft is obviously a key goal that we all want to prevent, but the number one concern should always be the protection of those working and shopping at your store’s location.

 Let’s go over 3 different security measures that you, as the employer, should review, and act on as we enter this hectic holiday season to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible.

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Topics: Retail, Retail Security, Security Tips

Be Proactive With Your Retail Security This Holiday Season

Posted by Joe Wilson

November 09, 2016

The chaos of the holiday season has already begun. The number of shoppers walking the malls and the streets will grow substantially and rapidly over the next few weeks.  

Soon your sales people will be too busy to monitor for loss prevention because they will be too busy assisting customers. Whether they're running to the back room to get a certain size, operating the till or just being bombarded with questions, it will be impossible for your employees to monitor your store 100%. This is the time of year where retail theft is at its highest and you want to keep your inventory shrink to an absolute minimum. So what do you do?

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Topics: Retail, Retail Security, Security Tips

Custom Security Solutions For Your Unique Business Needs

Posted by Joe Wilson

September 30, 2016

No two organizations' security needs are alike. 

Places of worship are different to schools, public administrative offices are different to non-profit organizations, large corporations are different to small businesses, construction sites are different to car dealerships, and retail stores are very different to warehouses.

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Topics: CCTV Versus Sonavision, Security Tips

You Must Protect Your Codes

Posted by Joe Wilson

September 19, 2016

As a business owner, you have taken a great deal of time and investment in sourcing an alarm system that is the right fit for your business. You paid for the equipment and now a monthly fee to have the system monitored.  The last thing you want to do is make your system useless ... right?
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Topics: Security Tips, Verified Security Alarms

The Truth About Alarm Systems

Posted by Joe Wilson

August 15, 2016

We all know that the better the alarm system you choose, the better the security coverage you will get. This is especially obvious for someone who has had the unfortunate experience of being the victim of a break-in, and they relied on a conventional alarm system that was purchased on the basis of price alone.

Here at Sonitrol Western Canada, we get lots of new customers who've recently had a bad experience, from a break-in or some other type of business crime. They were victims of not only a crime but also a conventional and inadequate alarm system.

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Topics: Security Tips, Verified Security Alarms

The Top 4 Reasons Your Auto Dealership needs Sonitrol Monitored Alarm Security

Posted by Joe Wilson

July 28, 2016

You may not want to think about it too much, but theft and some more serious crimes frequently happen at many car dealerships. No matter what size dealership you have, used or new cars and trucks, high-end luxury cars, or used cars - auto dealership crime is a problem. 

Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to have a quality security system in place, no matter type of car dealership you're operating, because your inventory comes with a high price tag - if you have a problem you lose, and it’s a big deal.

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Topics: Security Tips, Verified Security Alarms, Security for Auto Dealerships

7 Ways to Ensure Workplace Security and Safety

Posted by Joe Wilson

July 18, 2016

At Sonitrol Western Canada we're dedicated to the safety and security of all of our clients.

Preventing illness, injury, violence, and security threats in the workplace is the most important job there is. As a business owner or manager, a huge part of your job is maintaining the safety and security of your employees so they can stay productive and healthy in their work environment. Office security keeps everyone safe.

There are a few things you can do to ensure your workers are in a safe and secure environment. We’ve outlined the major points here to make it easier for you.

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Topics: Security Tips, Office Workplace Security, Verified Security Alarms

Start Improving Your Retail Security TODAY

Posted by Joe Wilson

May 23, 2016

As a manager or owner of a retail store, you know how time consuming and expensive loss prevention can be. Everything from employee theft and organized crime, to damaged shipments or internal errors are threats that you need to take into account and protect yourself against.

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Topics: Retail Security, Security Tips

How to Avoid Copper Theft

Posted by Joe Wilson

May 17, 2016

If you have any amount of copper in your construction site, compound or warehouse, you're vulnerable to copper theft. 

Copper theft is a growing problem in North America. In Canada alone, the cost is estimated to be in the many millions. Criminals are turning to stealing any bit of copper they can get their hands on - tearing out pipes and plumbing from walls, taking apart air conditioners, destroying street lamps, breaking into construction sites and more.

Vacant or unnocupied factilities and warehouses are particularly vulnerable to copper theft and the extreme damage repair costs associated with it. Therefore, it’s important to be proactive in protecting your valuable assets from theft, especially when it comes to copper.

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Topics: Security Tips, Prevent Copper Theft, Security for Construction Sites

Why You Should Use Verified Audio Intrusion Detection

Posted by Joe Wilson

April 22, 2016


Are you using conventional security alarms for your business? You may be putting your business and your livelihood at risk. Using non-verified security alarms makes you rely on easily compromised technology - such as motion sensors and door contacts. These older, less effective systems have a remarkable 98-percent false alarm rate.

 A proven solution to increase the effectiveness of your security system is to add Verified Audio detection.

Why is Audio Detection superior to the motion sensors of conventional alarm systems?

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Topics: Security Tips, Monitored Audio Alarms, Verified Security Alarms

What Type of Security Alarm System is Best for My Business?

Posted by Joe Wilson

April 14, 2016

As a business owner or manager, you need to understand the threats and vulnerabilities of your particular industry, building type, and location, in order to make informed decisions about security. In the case of security, one size definitely does not fit all. To properly protect your assets, employees, inventory, and livelihood, you need a security solution tailored to your specific needs.

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Topics: Retail Security, Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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