Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



5 Ways to Secure Your Construction Site From Copper Theft

Posted by Joe Wilson

April 25, 2023

Copper theft is a growing problem in the construction industry, with thieves targeting valuable copper wiring and piping from construction sites. That’s why world-class construction site security is essential.

Not only does copper theft result in costly losses for construction companies, but it can also pose safety risks for workers and delay project timelines.

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Topics: Copper Theft

How Can I protect my Business From the Threat of Copper Theft?

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 07, 2020

Criminals are constantly adapting. Thieves are always coming up with new ways to commit crimes and finding new items to steal to make money. Organizations in Western Canada, which do not have a proper security solution in place, are particularly vulnerable to copper theft.

Metal thieves are opportunistic, and even though copper is currently at a five-month slump in price, criminals can still make significant amounts of money from stolen copper - whether it be copper pipes, copper wire or any other components made out of copper.

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Topics: Copper Theft

More Threat of Copper Theft as Prices Rise

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 11, 2017

Criminals are constantly adapting, thinking of new ways to commit crime and have been known to even monitor news and social media to find opportunities. A recent apprehension by our security solution Sonavision captured a copper thief in the act.

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Topics: Copper Theft, SonaVision, Prevent Copper Theft

8 Businesses That Need Video Security Systems

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 04, 2017

Monitored and verified CCTV / video security systems ensure your business is protected. Anytime you're not watching, criminals will seize the chance to act.

CCTV surveillance can be used to protect companies in a number of industries. Surveillance doesn’t just mean installing a CCTV camera. The system needs to be monitored and alarms verified, otherwise a CCTV camera is just a recording device.

Here are 8 businesses that can benefit greatly from the use of monitored and verified CCTV and video security systems.

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Topics: Automotive, Fenced Compounds, Restaurants, Commercial Security, CCTV, Copper Theft, Construction Security, Retail Security, Office Building Security, Church, Dealerships, Security for Pharmacies

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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