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10 Retail Security Tips On How To Protect Your Small Business From Property Theft and Damage

Joe Wilson
by Joe Wilson
August 05, 2014



As small business owners know only too well, the threat of burglary and theft traditionally rises during the summer months – with longer holiday weekends and staff taking more vacation days, especially in August, when the summer days are getting hotter.


While one of the benefits of being a small business owner is having the flexibility to take time away from work, it can also compromise the safety of the business, overall, leaving it more vulnerable to burglaries, property damage and vandalism. 


The following “top ten” small business security measures can be used to protect a businesses’ physical property, inventory and sensitive information against crime: 


1. First and foremost, it is imperative to secure access to personal files and business records that are vital and not easily replaced if lost, stolen or damaged. Keep detailed, up-to-date business records, including inventories and banking records, and backup copies off the premises. This way, if a business is ever broken into, the owner can assess losses more easily and provide valuable information to help your local Police investigations. 


2. For items that must remain on the property, engrave all valuable office equipment and tools with a unique identifier, such as tax identification, license or other distinctive number. Check with your local Police for their recommendations. 


3. Physical security techniques are still an effective way to discourage potential robbers from breaking into a property. This includes making sure all outside entrances and inside security doors are secured with deadbolt locks. Only use steel padlocks, and keep them locked at all times. Remove serial numbers from locks to prevent unauthorized keys from being made. 


4. Items in a window display or closest to windows are more easily accessible to thefts. All expensive items should be removed from displays at night, allowing local Police to more easily see into and monitor the business after closing. 


5. Visibility throughout the property is critical, not only for the Police to navigate through the premises, but a well-lit property makes a break-in less likely at the risk of potential robbers being seen. Light both the interior and exterior of the business, especially around doors, windows, skylights or other entry points. Additionally, installing covers over exterior lights and power sources will deter tampering. 


6. By allowing certain items to remain conspicuous during off hours, local Police can more easily monitor and protect items of value, such as computers and cash registers. Be sure that they can be seen from the outside of the business, so that it can be monitored by the Police. To deter would-be burglars, leave the cash register open and empty after closing. 


7. Keep only small amounts of cash, if any, on the premises to reduce the possibility of loss in the event of a robbery. A drop safe can also be used for employees to drop large bills and excess cash and cannot be retrieved by them. Post signs regarding this practice to deter criminals. 


8. All safes should be fireproof, anchored and kept in plain sight. When empty, leave them open, and use them to lock up valuables once the business closes. Always remember to change combinations when employees who have had access leave the business. 


9. Keep the business address visible so that emergency vehicles can easily find the business in the event of a break-in. 


10. Install a Sonitrol verified CCTV video / audio intrusion detection security system to protect your small business, as the Police can be dispatched immediately in the event of a break-in.  Additionally, verified alarms provide real-time information of the crime in progress can be provided to the responding Police officers, giving them a clear heads-up what to expect when they arrive at the scene of the crime. 



Sonitrol Western Canada, is an industry leader in customized, state-of-the-art verified electronic security solutions for small businesses. Police have always considered verified CCTV video / audio technology much better than conventional security solutions because of the low false alarm rate and high apprehension rate. These are significant benefits of a Sonitrol alarm system as well as: wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling protection, early detection and alarm verification, critical information for responding Police, high apprehension rate and detection of conventional and unconventional break-ins. 


For more information on these and other tips on how to safeguard small businesses against theft and property damage or loss, call Sonitrol Western Canada for guaranteed retail burglar alarms and security solutions - 1-866-766-4876 or Download our FREE Retail Security eBook for 30 more Smart Retail Security Tips.


Download Free eBook 30 Smart Tips for Retail Security



About Sonitrol Western Canada:


We're so confident in our technology and responsive service, that no one else in the industry can match our guarantee.  Our unique verified audio and CCTV video business security solutions enable our operators to hear and see what is happening in your business before the criminals gain entry!!  We verify the actual source of the alarm, and we get the police to attend the scene immediately.  FOR A FREE SECURITY AUDIT, click here, or call 1-866-766-4876.


Sonitrol Western Canada, with its Verified Electronic Security Systems, is committed to providing customers with the most comprehensive security protection.  Cooperation in the elimination of false alarms is not only beneficial to the system’s user, but results in better protection of the entire community by allowing law enforcement to use their resources as efficiently as possible.



Joe Wilson
Post by Joe Wilson
August 05, 2014
We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!
Learn what the competition isn't telling you about commercial security systems

Become a more informed security system buyer, as this guide explains in detail why conventional alarms are ineffective, and could make your business vulnerable to theft and robbery.

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