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5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Verified Security Solution

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 16, 2022

Are you looking to enhance your organization's security? Do you want to move away from conventional CCTV alarm systems that simply just don’t do the job when it comes to protecting your property from theft, vandalism and other criminal activities?

If you answer yes to the two questions above, then it sounds like you’re ready to upgrade to a verified security solutionBut what exactly is verified security?

Verified security solutions pretty much do what they say on the tin. They are alarms that capture criminal activity on your property, and real-time security experts are then able to verify that the threat is real. 

25 Misconceptions about commercial security systems eBook

Unlike traditional CCTV alarms that only record criminal activity as it happens, verified security solutions send real-time footage to a security expert in a central monitoring station where the activity is then verified and sent directly to the police. 

So, with that in mind, here are the top five reasons why your business should install a verified security solution to protect your premises from criminal activity.

  1. Cut down on false alarms

Conventional CCTV alarms don’t have the ability to verify what’s actually causing your alarm to go off. Yet, 94 to 98 percent of all alarms are actually false alarms. It’s likely that the activity is simply a racoon moving around in the shadows or an employee coming back to the premises for something that they left behind. 

With verified security solutions, the actual alarm is verified by a security expert working in a central monitoring station. That means both yourself, and the police, won’t be constantly scared by false alarms that turn out to be absolutely nothing.

  1. Get fast police response times

Since conventional CCTV solutions have high rates of false alarms, police are typically slow to respond to them, and in some cases they don’t even show up at all. There’s no point investing in a solution that protects your business if the police don’t come when required.

Verified security doesn’t send alarms to the police until they are actually verified as a real threat, and that’s why police show up to them - and fast. In fact, the average dispatch time for verified alarms is just 3-4 minutes, compared to the 45 minutes it takes for traditional CCTV alarms.

  1. Deter criminals from even targeting your business 

Do you want to know one of the side benefits of a high-quality alarm system? Criminals will actually recognize the brand name. If a criminal sees a high-quality alarm system, they are far less likely to actually want to steal from, or damage, your premises. 

Sonitrol’s verified alarm solutions have helped police forces apprehend more than 175,000 criminals since 1997 - the highest documented apprehension rate of any security system. That’s why criminals stay away from properties with Sonitrol alarms.

  1. You won’t scare the intruder

Scaring the intruder might, at first, sound like the exact thing you want to do. We can assure you that it’s not at all. In fact, when the sound of a conventional CCTV alarm goes off, criminals know that they have about 20 minutes or more to do what they are there for and then get out. It simply acts as a timer for when they should leave.

You need the opposite. You need an alarm that verifies the threat and alerts police without the criminal ever being aware that you know they are there. This allows the police to catch the criminal before they take off with your assets.

  1. Catch criminals red handed! 

On that note. When you invest in a security solution you don’t want to just record a criminal breaking into, or damaging, your property. You want an alarm that catches them in the act so that the police can catch them red handed! 

Verified security solutions will do just that - helping police catch a criminal before they do any real damage to your property.

Interested in learning how a verified alarm solution can protect your property? Get a free security plan from Sonitrol Western Canada today

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Topics: Verified Video Surveillance

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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