Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



6 Tips to Protect Your Restaurant from Robbery

Posted by Joe Wilson

May 23, 2019

A chef making food

On April 20 of this year, three men were arrested after robbing a Vancouver restaurant. Nobody was hurt inside the restaurant and police response was quick. Since a couple of transit officers were conveniently located just across the street, the culprits were apprehending before they were able to take off in a cab.

However, in many instances of restaurant robbery the outcome is not always so successful. 

Sometimes break-ins occur while restaurants are closed or the culprit gets away and an investigation ensues. Sometimes people are injured or even killed.

To help protect your restaurant from robbery, armed or otherwise, here are six areas of your business to consider.

1 - Opening and closing

Opening and closing times are the most likely times for robberies to take place. To ensure your employees safety and protect your assets, never have employees open or close the business alone and ensure they lock all doors to the restaurant before proceeding with closing procedures.

2 - Cash handling

The more cash you have on hand the more attractive your business will be to criminals. As such, keep cash at a minimum in your restaurant and keep floats locked up in a safe. Install signs letting criminals know you don’t keep large amounts of cash on hand and don’t accept large bills, which increase the need for larger floats. When making trips to the bank, vary your schedule and change routes.

3 - Backdoor

Many restaurant staff get in the habit of leaving backdoors open for fresh air or for convenience. However, if left unguarded, backdoors become an effective way for thieves to gain entry. This is why you should always ensure your backdoor is locked. If you need to use the backdoor, avoid going out at night and consider installing a peep hole so that employees can see what is going on out back before they head outside.

4 - Front door and windows

Ensuring there is good visibility into your restaurant can be a huge deterrent for criminals. Not only will they have to worry about someone inside alerting authorities, they will also have to be concerned with passersby. Keep your windows and front door free of signage and maintain foliage for optimal visibility.

5 - Lighting

Similar to our above point, be sure to install good lighting inside and outside of your restaurant as it can help deter crime.

6 - Surveillance

Install security cameras to record the goings on in your restaurant. Doing so will not only deter criminals but will help you apprehend the criminal(s) if a robbery, or crime of any sort, occurs.

At Sonitrol Western Canada, we specialize in verified security solutions for restaurants that are monitored 24/7. We monitor movement indoors and outdoors with CCTV verified video and/or verified audio, ensuring your property is properly covered.

And, with panic buttons installed strategically throughout your restaurant - at the register, in walk-in fridges and freezers or in the manager’s office - you will feel confident that you are protected no matter what.

If the alarm is triggered or our team sees suspicious activity, they immediately call the proper authorities and because our alarms are verified, police response times average just 3.5 minutes - giving the culprit little time to get away.

For your free restaurant security audit, or to find out more about our surveillance technology and how it can protect your restaurant, employees and customers, contact us today.

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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