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Keeping Your Dealership Safe With SonaVision Verified CCTV

Joe Wilson
by Joe Wilson
January 29, 2016

Dealership Security CCTV SonaVision Sonitrol Western Canada

Car dealerships, RV dealerships, and all kinds of vehicle and machinery dealerships, face many different security risks. With open lots, glass showrooms, and service centres filled with valuable inventory - it’s no wonder they become a target for theft and vandalism.

Dealerships are vulnerable not only to break-ins to try and get the keys, but also to theft by stripping vehicle parts such as catalytic converters, air bags, navigation systems, pick-up tailgates, tires, and rims.  You have valuable assets to protect - so security should be top of mind.

Criminals are becoming smarter, and they know police no longer respond to unverified conventional alarms. They know how to exploit unmonitored areas to gain access to more secure areas on your property. That's why dealerships are turning to Sonitrol Western Canada for this exact reason. Don’t rely on security guards who might sleep through the night or even leave the site!

Our Dealership Security Solution consists of a combination of fenced compound security using SonaVision verified video surveillance, and active audio detection to listen out for any attempted building intrusion.


Why Sonitrol Western Canada? The Difference is Verified:

SonaVision Verified CCTV Video can be installed surrounding the perimeter of your compound or to watch specific areas.  Our professional operators are notified of any activity or attempted breach on your compound- and can verify if the break in is legitimate or a false alarm. This keeps your false alarm rates extremely low, and ensures a quick response time from the police  - who can then apprehend the thief, often before they can even gain access to your valuable assets.

In the event that a savvy criminal attempts to gain access to the buildings our highly sensitive audio sensors will allow our Central Monitoring Station to detect a break-in immediately. We have an average 3.5 minute Police response time to the scene of the break-in, and we've apprehended more than 172,000 criminals since we started counting in 1977. 

We can give video access for your own supervision (WCB compliant), so you can record shipments and deliveries and watch job progress and day-to-day work, and avoid internal loss & theft as well.

There are four main reasons why you should consider Sonitrol Western Canada for your total Dealership Security Solution:

Industry Experts

We have served dealerships across North America for over 50 years and have developed a program to tailor to the specific needs of dealerships. We are also one of the largest commercial security providers in North America — and the verified leader in electronic security

Innovative & Integrated

We implement technology and services that are not available anywhere else, built around our proprietary verified audio and video detection process and backed by a team of installation, service and monitoring professionals. We also provide fire alarm monitoring, and controlled access solutions for a complete security package.

Proven Effective

No one can match our results; the numbers speak for themselves. Criminals apprehended using Sonitrol technology: 172,000 and climbing!

Our Guarantee

We provide our customers with leading edge technology and quality service backed by our unique Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!


Dealership Security is one of our specialities at Sonitrol Western Canada. Implementing the best preventative security measures will save you money in the long run, and help reduce your vulnerability and protect your assets from thieves and vandals. Whether you have a single dealership or a regional chain, our modular, our scalable designs make it easy to protect your business today and meet your needs as your business grows.

 Get A Free Security Plan For Your Business!


Sonitrol has more than 50 years experience providing integrated security solutions for dealerships of all kinds.  We'll develop a security program tailored to the unique needs of your dealership and compound.  In addition, our dealership programs are scalable in design, making them ideal for a small local dealership or major regional / national chain.  Contact us today For a FREE DEALERSHIP SECURITY AUDIT or call 1-866-766-4876

Joe Wilson
Post by Joe Wilson
January 29, 2016
We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!
Learn what the competition isn't telling you about commercial security systems

Become a more informed security system buyer, as this guide explains in detail why conventional alarms are ineffective, and could make your business vulnerable to theft and robbery.

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Free eBook: Learn What The Competition Isn't Telling You About Commercial Security Systems

There are lots of problems with conventional, commercial security alarm systems that you need to know about.

Become a more informed security system buyer, as this guide explains in detail why conventional alarms are ineffective and could make your business vulnerable to theft and robbery.

Read the Free Guide