Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



Protect Your Place of Worship From Hate Crime With a Verified Security Solution

Posted by Joe Wilson

July 28, 2020

churchPlaces of worship - such as churches, synagogues, mosques and temples - are all susceptible to hate crime. That’s why it’s crucial your establishment is protected with a verified security systemThis is even more important in Alberta, where hate crimes are on the rise. Numbers released by Statistics Canada earlier this year show that a total of 207 hate crimes were reported to police across the province in 2018 - that’s a rise from 192 in 2017.

This rise in Alberta came as national numbers across Canada fell by almost 300 reports.

Dr. Kristopher Wells, a professor at MacEwan University, told the Edmonton Journal that these numbers “only represent a fraction of the issue as victims still don’t tend to come forward”.

“It’s a vast under-representation of what is happening in Canada. We know that about two-thirds of all hate crimes are never reported at all. This is just really a very narrow slice into a much larger societal problem,” commented Wells.

Combine that with the fact that religion is a significant motivator in hate crimes, with more than one third (36 percent) of 2018 hate crimes directed at religious targets (Grandin Media), and there’s a clear reason why places of worship must ensure their security measures are up to date.

There are a number of measures that your place of worship should be implementing to protect your building and those who attend, such as installing managed access control, using panic buttons and properly securing all entrances. 

But the most important measure you can take is to install a verified security system

What is a verified security system?

Sonitrol Western Canada’s security solutions have helped police apprehend more than 180,000 criminals since 1977. Wondering why we helped catch so many criminals? It’s because we build security solutions that are VERIFIED.

Unlike conventional CCTV cameras that only record a crime as it’s taking place and let the criminal waltz off unseen until you review the footage in the morning, verified security sends footage directly to a security expert in a central monitoring station

By sending live video and audio feed directly to a security expert, they are then able to verify whether the activity on your site is a real crime or not. This dramatically limits the number of false alarms at your place of worship and ensures criminals are caught by police in the act - before they make off with your assets or damage your property.

Because our alarms are verified and false alarms are virtually nonexistent, police forces trust our security experts who send them real-time updates of a crime as it’s taking place. This means police response on average is just 3.5 minutes to Sonitrol’s verified alarms, as opposed to 45 minutes or longer for conventional CCTV alarms. 

That’s because with Sonitrol they know it’s a real crime, not a racoon scurrying around your basement or a church member who left something behind. 

Want to learn more about Sonitrol’s verified alarms?

If you’re looking for more information about Sonitrol Western Canada’s innovative verified security solution, and how it can protect your place of worship, contact us today for a free security plan

Our no charge and no obligation custom security plan consists of:

  • A comprehensive security evaluation of your place of worship and location.
  • Recommendations on how your unique place of worship can improve its security.
  • A custom security solution that’s designed to suit the needs of your place of worship. 

Click the image below to learn more, or simply contact us on our website form today

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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