Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



5 Strategies To Prevent Occupational Fraud

Posted by Joe Wilson

March 19, 2015


In my last blog I spoke about occupational fraud protection, what it is and some key motivations behind it. In this blog I'll look at 5 strategies for preventing occupational fraud.

Occupational fraud is a real threat to Canadian businesses, unfortunately more than half of small businesses and mid-sizes enterprises that are vulnerable to occupational fraud do not believe they're at risk, yet 1 in 4 businesses experienced incidents of occupational fraud in the past fiscal year. That's a real threat and a risk you have to prepare for.


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Topics: Security Tips, Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

Protect Your Business From Occupational Fraud

Posted by Joe Wilson

March 11, 2015

Understanding Occupational Fraud and Its Motivation


We’ve all heard stories of executives embezzling client money, employees selling intellectual data, and even management accepting bribes from contractors and vendors.  These are all forms of occupational fraud and they could easily become a very costly problem if you have not taken the necessary steps to protect your business.

Occupational fraud affects businesses around the world and can cause huge losses in revenues.  Small businesses and mid-sized enterprises are particularly vulnerable to occupational fraud, often due to a lack of anti-fraud controls, high employee turnover and ineffective employee monitoring mechanisms.


“The majority of Small Businesses and Mid-Sized Enterprises are not prepared to respond to occupational fraud, and more than half do not undertake period assessments of risks of fraud.” – CGA Canada

In honour of Fraud Prevention Month this March, I will be sharing some strategies that will help reduce your risks, beginning with defining occupational fraud, identifying fraud motivations and describing strategies to reduce your risk.

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Topics: Office Workplace Security, Verified Security Alarms, Building Access Control

18 Security Risk Questions You Must Ask To Protect Your Business

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 20, 2015

Do you need to protect your business from internal and external threats? Are you afraid of criminals attacking your staff, robbing you or stealing your inventory?


I've worked in the security business for many years and I've found that asking a few simple security questions about your business can help build an accurate picture about your security risks. 


Answering yes to any of these questions indicates that your business may be at risk and vulnerable to a threat, and that you should take immediate action to do something about it.

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Topics: Security Tips, Office Workplace Security

5 Strategies to Protect Your Business From Criminal Tailgating

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 13, 2015

You walk into your workplace, use your security card to swipe in, and then open the door for the person entering behind you.  This simple, courteous action can have serious consequences.

One of the easiest ways for a criminal to gain entry into your business is by “tailgating” your employees as they enter or exit their workplace. 

As criminals become bolder, tailgating is becoming a common security breach that refers to a situation where an unauthorized person tags along with an authorized person to gain entry into a restricted area or pass a certain checkpoint, without the consent of the authorized person.

So the main question comes down to, how to prevent tailgating in your office?

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Topics: Security Tips, Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

How to Protect Your Business from Criminals During Business Hours

Posted by Joe Wilson

January 16, 2015


Not all break-ins occur at night. 

There are many instances reported by the Police of break-ins during daytime, by audacious criminals who pretend to be employees, an IT worker, or a repairman. They just casually walk into an office (usually larger offices with lots of staff), and steal valuables from the desk of employees.

These businesses are incredibly lucky.  While it is extremely unfortunate that valuable items owned by employees are stolen, the situation could be much worse.  

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Topics: Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance, Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

3 Ways Sonitrol Security Alarms Are Different From Other Alarms

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 22, 2014

There are hundreds security companies out there who will sell you low end, inadequate consumer monitored security products; such as surveillance CCTV cameras, listening devices, motion detectors, and various alarms that look cool and some working off smart devices - but will they properly protect your business?

The so called security companies that sell you these "low-end' security alarms, may impress you with the latest technology, but it's very likely they don't have the security experience and expertise to recommend a fully integrated central station monitored security system that will really work to protect your premises, assets and employees. They primarily want to sell you any security device, maybe install it for you, and then the relationship is over.

When looking at a security system, you have to consider your responsibility as it relates to business risk, your insurance policy and your employee safety, and going cheap with a self monitored systems is not recommended and will cost you when a crime is committed.

Sonitrol Western Canada Is A Different Type Of Security Firm

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Topics: Retail Security, Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance, Office Workplace Security

Essential Office Security Solutions To Protect Employees From Violence

Posted by Joe Wilson

November 21, 2014


Workplace violence is ranked as the number one concern for employees. With more than 356,000 violent workplace incidents reported by Statistics Canada in 2004 with associated costs of up to $36 billion annually, workplace safety is becoming a growing concern for business owners.  


Understanding workplace violence, identifying your risk factors, and implementing professional office security solutions are significant steps to take to protect your workplace from violence.  


What is Workplace Violence?

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Topics: CCTV Video Surveillance, Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

Perimeter Security Tips To Protect Your Business And Office Buildings

Posted by Joe Wilson

November 13, 2014


Implementing an integrated security alarm system for your office or building that includes verified CCTV video and audio alarms and managed access control will definitely protect your business from any internal and external threats - we guarantee it.


But is there anything you can do to discourage criminals before they even look at your building?  


Here are some steps you can take to make your building less inviting to criminals, and this includes examining the perimeter of your building.

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Topics: Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance, Office Workplace Security, Security for Fenced Compounds

10 Office Security Tips to Secure Your Workplace

Posted by Joe Wilson

November 07, 2014


Many businesses are at risk from employee theft, criminal break-ins and intellectual property theft. As a business owner or professional office manager, what can you do to make sure your office workplace security is working effectively?  


10 Workplace Security Tips To Improve Your Office Security


Follow these 10 workplace security tips to secure your office from internal and external threats and you could save on huge losses.


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Topics: Security Tips, Office Workplace Security, Verified Security Alarms

How To Prevent Small Business Break-Ins With The Best Office Security

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 31, 2014



If you manage a professional office-based business, an accounting practice, law firm, dentist office, or general business operation located in an office building you’re likely to be vulnerable to not only employee theft, but also to break-ins and unauthorized access from criminals looking for client documents, computer equipment, electronics, confidential records, personal belongings, valuables and cash.


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Topics: Office Workplace Security, Verified Security Alarms

Protect your Intellectual Property With Integrated Office Security

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 24, 2014


Professional offices and commercial office buildings are at risk for more than just a break-in in the middle of the night.  Theft of intellectual property is an internal and external threat that puts your business at risk.

In his article Forget cybercriminals: How to protect data from disgruntled employees, Ben Ross discusses how corporate offices often fail to terminate office access for former employees.  This clearly highlights that outdated accounts, privileged account passwords, office keys and customer account access, can all present potential risks to your intellectual property and reputation.  

How can you protect your Intellectual Property?

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Topics: Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

Secure Your Office or Building With Managed Access Control

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 20, 2014

For the best office security solution, business owners and facilities managers operating an office or a building, need to have the ability to limit unauthorized entry to their properties. 


Access control systems provide the ability to protect employees and businesses against theft, property damage or bodily harm. Therefore your office and building security system should have integrated access control to control access to a single point of entry or protect multiple points of entry.


What is an Access Control System?


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Topics: Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

Top 5 Reasons to Install a Keyless Access Control System

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 29, 2014

Security systems for businesses have come a long way in the past few years. It used to be that you had to buy new locks for an entire office if someone lost their key.

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Topics: Government Building Security, Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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