5 Ways to Improve Security on a Construction Site

During a construction project, there are always going to be security threats specific to construction sites that can be difficult to manage. Unprotected sites will have a high risk of theft of uninstalled materials, equipment (such as copper cables), and installed materials, such as copper wire & pipes that can be torn out of walls. You have valuable assets to protect and deadlines to meet, and so security for construction sites should be top of mind.
Unfortunately, theft is becoming more and more common, costing the construction industry more that $2 billion per year in North America. It can happen on projects of all sizes, ranging from enormous construction projects such as airports, office towers, and highways, to smaller housing developments.
Organized criminals, individual thieves working alone, and even the workers themselves, all target construction sites. These criminals will steal anything from copper wiring, appliances, and tools, to drywall, lumber, and other building materials.
This activity not only decreases profits on already thin margins, but can cause costly interruptions, delays, and possibly even unsafe working conditions.
Here are 5 things you can do to implement better security at your construction site/ project.
1 - Establish a Security Plan
Before the project even starts, a security plan should be implemented and communicated with all workers. A culture of safety and security - including encouraging individuals to report unusual behavior or discoveries, monitoring sensitive areas, and taking inventory, should be promoted across the site. Have the plan accessible to everyone and have specific procedures in place that you can enforce.
2 - Identify On-site Assets
Identify your valuable assets that might be tempting for thieves, and take regular inventory. This may help you identify vulnerable areas, but also quickly notice if there are assets missing or damaged.
3 – Turn Off Lights
Contrary to popular belief, lighting can actually attract thieves, as it illuminates assets that otherwise will be hidden in the dark. Infrared cameras such as Sonitrol's Sonavision can see in the dark and therefore catch any criminal sneaking around thinking he can't be seen.
4 - Managed Access Control
Managed access is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to increase the security on your site. Managed access will restrict unauthorized persons from entering secured areas such as employee entrance doors, office trailers and tool and material storage areas while also helping you control employee access. This limits risk of internal theft and external threats.
5 - Verified Security Systems
Setting up fences is a must have from a health and safety point, and in keeping honest people out, but they don’t actually do much to prevent determined criminals from breaking in. On-site security guards are also popular in the industry however, can be costly and ineffective due to inattentiveness, falling asleep, etc…
Traditional security systems will not be effective either as they often produce false alarms, and cannot secure as large and complex an area such as a construction site.
The most effective solution is to use verified systems that are continuously monitored and use a combination of infrared cameras and motion based alarms. This is why Sonitrol has developed SonaVision, an advanced, real-time, heat and motion video monitoring technology, a solution pioneered for construction sites over the past 10 years.
SonaVision is a hard-wired or wireless, integrated security solution that uses advanced video and motion detection equipment to create an electronic perimeter around the construction site perimeter and installed in high value areas such as equipment and material storage areas.
It uses infrared, so we see in the dark. When the system is armed it will sense any heat and movement that happens around the construction compound, so when it spots the movement of a person jumping the fence in the middle of the night, we can instantly see it’s something bad, it's a verified break-in, so we dispatch the police immediately. When the police arrive, and before the vandal can damage the property, or the thief steals a bobcat or copper wire, they are apprehended.
Developers and superintendents love SonaVision because they can remotely access and monitor their sites to ensure proper procedures are being followed, deliveries are being made, there are safe working conditions, and other activity that goes on.
SonaVision can also be integrated with other security solutions such as Sonitrol's Managed Access Control systems.
Be wary of copy cat systems that promise to be just like Sonavision but with less cameras or for a cheaper price… if it sounds too good to be true: “we can monitor your whole site with 4 PTZ Cameras “or “with Less cameras or for $500”, it is too good to be true. Sonitrol will tell you how to properly protect your site and not try to get your business by under protecting, so we end up being less expensive.
Armed with these tools and ideas, we hope you can upgrade and improve your current security solution to protect your valuable inventory, equipment, and assets to give you total peace of mind. We can conduct a comprehensive and in-depth evaluation of your project and site to ensure you are effectively protected from both internal and external threats. Give us a call at 1.866.766.4876 and contact us today for a free security plan!
About Sonitrol Western Canada
We're so confident in our technology and responsive service, that no one else in the industry can match our guarantee. Our unique verified audio and CCTV video business security solutions enable our operators to hear and see what is happening in your business before the criminals gain entry!! We verify the actual source of the alarm, and we get the police to attend the scene immediately. FOR A FREE SECURITY AUDIT, click here, or call 1-866-766-4876 - We are a security company with over 150 offices across North America serving clients across Western Canada in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon.
Sonitrol Western Canada, with its Verified Electronic Security Systems, is committed to providing customers with the most comprehensive security protection. Cooperation in the elimination of false alarms is not only beneficial to the system’s user, but results in better protection of the entire community by allowing law enforcement to use their resources as efficiently as possible.

March 08, 2016