4 Reasons How Managed Access Control Will Enhance Your Organization’s Security

No matter what industry your business operates in, having a proper security system in place that makes use of verified alarms is essential for the protection of your organization’s employees and assets.
Verified security technology will cut down the false alarms associated with conventional CCTV cameras, significantly speed up police response times for any criminal activity at your business, all while catching criminals in real-time before they do any real harm to your business.
Some businesses, however, may want a further layer of protection - and that’s where managed access control comes in.
What is managed access control?
Managed access control - sometimes known as a keyless entry - is the use of access cards, badges or fobs to unlock doors that use electric locks without the need for a physical key. This technology allows you to restrict access to your most valuable rooms to authorized individuals, while also giving you the ability to track who is in what room at what time.
Managed access control is one of the easiest, cost-effective ways for your to increase security at your business - ensuring criminals can’t access your property and making it impossible for staff members to get away with internal theft.
How can managed access control enhance security?
There is a wide range of benefits that managed access control will bring to your organization’s security program. Sonitrol Western Canada has listed the four key benefits here:
1 - Stop intruders entering your property
A managed access control system is the perfect solution to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering your property. In fact, you can even control the level of access that your employees have to each room of your business.
This security system will reduce the amount of traffic throughout your property, whether it be reducing the number of customers or staff members that can access a certain area. This will make it almost impossible for vandals and thefts to enter your facility.
2 - Remote access
Do you have an awol employee that you need to stop from entering your office? No problem, the technology of managed access control now allows business owners to access their system from anywhere they have an internet connection.
This means you’ll be able to lock or unlock doors, remove cards from accessing rooms, access security reports and much more all from your smartphone - no matter where you are.
3 - No more keys
Are you sick of dealing with lost and stolen keys at your business? It’s common that keys are misplaced, left unattended and are stolen by terminated employees or criminals. Let’s be honest, keys are a nuisance.
It’s not that they are simply annoying to deal with either, it’s that they cause a serious security issue for your organization. A key in the wrong hands gives criminals the chance to enter your premises, steal your assets, put your employees in danger and cost your company money.
Thankfully, managed access control does away with keys completely. By using cards, badges or fobs to enter rooms, you’ll no longer have to worry about lost or stolen keys. But what if these go missing? By clicking a few buttons you can simply disable the key card to deny access to your property - and you’ll no longer have to change the locks every time a key goes missing!
4 - Secure your most valuable rooms
Whether your business stores valuable or personal data, keeps expensive assets in its facility or is a retail store that stores small items in the backroom, every company has valuable assets that they need to keep protected.
Managed access control is the perfect solution. By restricting access to your highest valuable rooms to a few trusted individuals, you’ll not only ensure that criminals can’t enter but you’ll also be significantly reducing the chance of internal theft.
Want to learn more about managed access control and find out how Sonitrol Western Canada can design a security plan specifically for the unique needs of your business? Contact us today.
Managed Access Control
July 30, 2019