Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



New Year’s Resolution to Increase Business Security? Don't Wait.

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 29, 2021

The disruption to work environments, work schedules and all manner of processes, especially those dealing with customers and employees will be carrying over into 2021. As we head towards March, we’ll be in the frame of a full year of working in a pandemic.

What has it meant to your business? If you are in retail or the hospitality industry you likely have reduced operating hours, new ways to traffic control in your store, new cleaning and handling procedures and more. You may be selling online for the first time and figuring out how to efficiently ship products to customers. Or, you may have temporarily closed your office or have switched to a hybrid work model with some employees splitting work between home and your office building.

With significant changes in how you operate, it’s the right time to review your security system and make sure that it is supporting your business and protecting people and assets. If you are making a new year's resolution to do this, I’d encourage you to get some expert advice as soon as possible.

During the pandemic, many commercial establishments have been empty for periods of time as restrictions cause doors to close. This has left owners worried about their stock and assets, especially if security was never a priority before and the security system was weak or non-existent.

In addition to that, changes in work schedules and shifts have revealed that company’s with old-fashioned key/lock systems struggle to manage keys and oversee access control to their facility.

The solution is a robust commercial security system that integrates several solutions including verified video surveillance, audio alarms, and remotely controlled keyless entry systems.

That’s what a Sonitrol Security System can offer businesses, and more..

And our technology has been leading the way for decades, so clients are assured that our security systems are not only effective but are built to last.

If your business has never had a security system and you are a bit of a DIY’er, like many small business owners are, then it’s important for you to know the difference between just putting up a video camera in your office and verified video surveillance.

An off the shelf video camera will detect movement and notify you so you can look at the footage. Hopefully that happens while you are awake and you don’t get the message the next morning. If a person you don’t recognize is detected what are you going to do next? Driving to the office is not an option as it presents all kinds of personal risks. You need to contact the authorities and report the incident. Depending on your local police force, they may or may not respond right away. Chances are, the thieves will make off with whatever they came for and you’ll be left with damage to your doors or windows as well as loss of inventory, equipment, computers, tools, etc.

With a Sonitrol verified video audio alarm, the moment the break-in is detected - from the door being breached or windows broken, our central control room security specialist is on the case. Since your system is fully monitored 24x7 you don’t have to worry about a message at 2 a.m. in the morning to deal with. Once our operators ascertain it is a break-in, they contact your local police department and report the crime in progress. They can also send the officers live video feed to help pinpoint where the criminals are. You get notified, of course, but everything is taken care of by law enforcement and security professionals.

Does it work? You bet it does! Since 1977, Sonitrol Security Systems have recorded over 170,000 criminal apprehensions across North America! Although there is no way of adding up all the savings in lost merchandise, stock, and equipment that would have been lost to crime, it represents billions of dollars - not to mention, damage to buildings, vandalism, and even personal threat that comes with robbery.

Now that you understand the difference a fully monitored security system makes, you might be thinking this is cost-prohibitive for the Mom and Pop shop. But, it’s not. Sonitrol Security is highly affordable and easy to implement. At the same time, we’re proud that our technology and services are used by big-box retailers and larger companies too. Visit this page to see some of our criminal capture testimonials.

Security is something you don't want to worry about, especially moving into 2021 when there is so much disruption to your business. I encourage you to contact us and set up an appointment to speak with one of our security specialists. We’ll be able to answer all your questions and design the right solution for your establishment.

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Topics: Verified Video Surveillance

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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