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Who Gets In? How to Improve Commercial Security with Managed Access Control.

Joe Wilson
by Joe Wilson
November 01, 2017

Sonitrol-Card-Reader-for-Managed-Access-Security-compressor-compressor-1.pngWith security becoming a more complex environment and criminals becoming smarter, more and more businesses are turning away from conventional methods of security and looking for more integrated and customizable options.

As a business owner, it’s your job to ensure the safety and security of your business and your employees at all times. So how can you best protect your property and everyone working for you?

One of the most popular security trends is using keyless entry via a Managed Access Control Security System. Managed Access Control allows you to permit entry to certain employees at certain times of day. For example, if you have rotating shifts, day staff will only have access between the hours they work. It can be that specific. The ID cards or fobs issued to the employees for their keyless entry are unique to the assigned owner, so you can identify who was there and when.

Having a Managed Access Control system allows you to reduce your overall risk and liability, because keeping track of everyone coming in and out, where and why, is an integral part of a good security plan. It gives you visibility into your operations should there be a theft or incident.

There are lots of different Managed Access Control systems, while they vary in style and type, they all do the same thing on a base level - restrict access to those who are not pre-approved.

The benefits of a Control Managed Access Control system are:

  • Keyless entry and exit reduces employee triggered false alarms
  • Provides detailed reports for both entry and exit
  • Locked doors can be on a pre-programmed schedule
  • Eliminates the need to change locks or re-keying
  • Can limit access to sensitive areas
  • Reduces the need for security personnel on-site
  • Accommodates multiple schedules 
  • Allows temporary visitor access
  • Controls can be set for parking lots, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, etc.
  • Decreases your overall risk and liability 

Sonitrol provide industry leading security solutions. We can issue the standard hands free proximity cards, smart cards or even advanced biometrics such as finger or retina identification. Access Control cards can be issued in various formats too, from custom cards, photo ID badges, keyless entry badge, key fobs and more. 

A Managed Access Control system is important, but no single solution can give your business 100% security. A multi-layered security system is key for any contemporary business. You will want to look at your options for photo ID cards, CCTV monitored verified surveillance cameras and audio intrusion detection.

The Sonitrol Managed Access Control system is seamlessly integrated with Sonitrol’s Audio detection system so you can activate your building’s security system with a programmed key card, meaning complicated codes and procedures are eliminated. Sonitrol’s audio detection system is on duty 24/7, protecting your facility from any point of entry – not just doors and windows. Just one keypad does it all. Sonitrol Managed Access Control and Audio Detection systems are user friendly.

An integrated combination of several types of security increases your overall protection significantly, and with that, your ability to respond to a threat quickly and efficiently.


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Joe Wilson
Post by Joe Wilson
November 01, 2017
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