Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



Does Your Commercial Security Plan Include These 7 Key Components?

Posted by Joe Wilson

January 19, 2024

7 Key Components

Companies of all sizes confront an array of security threats going into 2024, ranging from cyberattacks and data breaches to vandalism and employee theft. It is imperative for companies to implement a robust security solution that safeguards their assets, employees, and customers.

An effective business security plan should encompass various key components designed to tackle an extensive range of security threats. While much attention is rightly given to cyber and digital threats, the significance of physical security should not be underestimated, as it plays a vital role in fortifying a business's overall security measures.

Physical security includes security systems and technology that a business implements to shield their people, property, and assets from threats, including theft, vandalism, workplace violence, and natural disasters.

In this blog, we look at 7 key components that you should consider when developing or updating your commercial security plan this year. 

1 - Risk Assessment

Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment is the initial step in formulating a physical security plan. Identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities across all facets of the business, including premises, equipment, and personnel, is crucial. This assessment can be undertaken by either a third-party security consultant or an internal team of security professionals.

Did you know that Sonitrol Western Canada offers a free security plan for business clients including:

  • Comprehensive security evaluation of your business or a specific location.
  • Recommendations on how to specifically increase your security.
  • A custom security solution designed just for your business.

2 - Access Control

Effective access control involves managing who has access to a business's premises, equipment, and information. This includes the use of physical barriers like locks on doors, gates, and fences, as well as electronic security systems such as card readers and biometric scanners. Managed building access control systems, or keyless entry, is one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways for you to increase security. 

Sonitrol's Access Control Security is not only integrated with all our other security technologies, but our Central Monitoring Station manages the integrated access control.

3 - Security Systems

Audio/video security, utilizing cameras, alarms, and related technology, is indispensable for monitoring a business's premises. Opting for a verified security system that uses real-time surveillance enhances the ability to confirm genuine threats, reducing false alarms and improving response times.

4 - Emergency Planning

Even with a comprehensive security plan, security breaches or incidents may still occur. An incident response plan should be part of the security strategy, outlining clear and concise actions (access to local emergency support services for example) for various incidents, from natural disasters to workplace violence.

5 - Training and Education

Well-trained and educated employees act as the first line of defense against security breaches.Engaging employees in security practices not only protects sensitive information but also reinforces a sense of responsibility and ownership throughout your business. Security training should cover access control procedures, emergency planning, response protocols, and the recognition and reporting of potential threats. 

6 - Cybersecurity Measures

In the digital age, cybersecurity is paramount for businesses. Incorporating robust cybersecurity measures is essential to safeguard sensitive data, protect against online threats, and ensure the integrity of digital systems. This includes regularly updating software, implementing firewalls, employing encryption protocols, and providing cybersecurity training for employees to recognize and thwart cyber threats. Access control to server rooms and digital technology is an essential to protect expensive assets and critical infrastructure.

7 - Incident Reporting and Documentation

Establishing a clear incident reporting and documentation process is crucial for effective security management. Encourage employees to promptly report any security incidents or suspicious activities. Create a standardized incident report form and procedure for documenting details such as the time, date, location, individuals involved, and a description of the incident. Regularly review and analyze incident reports to identify patterns, assess vulnerabilities, and refine the security plan accordingly. Proper documentation not only aids in post-incident analysis but also ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

An effective security plan is indispensable for the safety of a business's property, staff, customers, and overall reputation. By incorporating these 7 components into a commercial security plan, businesses can fortify their defenses against both physical and digital threats. 

Sonitrol Western Canada provides innovative, integrated security technology with exceptional service to deliver unmatched commercial security systems.  A verified security system leads to faster police response time, more criminals arrested and fewer false alarms. Contact us to discuss your security needs.

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Topics: Commercial Security

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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