4 Tips To Protect Your Construction Site This Season

According to data from the National Crime Information Bureau (NCIB), as much as $1 billion a year is lost in the US due to the theft of construction equipment and tools. It’s estimated that less than 25 percent of stolen equipment is recovered each year. In other words, 725 million worth of equipment and tools is lifted from construction sites each year.
Construction season is in full swing. Make sure your equipment and property is safe from thieves with the installation of a construction site verified security solution.
Unprotected constructions sites have a high risk of theft of uninstalled materials and equipment, such as copper cables, as well as installed materials such as copper wire and pipes which can be easily ripped out of walls. That’s not even taking into account the loss of expensive heavy-duty equipment.
You have valuable equipment to protect and deadlines to meet, and this means securing your construction site.
Whether you’re constructing an entirely new building or renovating an existing location, you’re vulnerable to break-ins, vandalism, theft, fire and other threats.
Here’s 4 tips you must implement to better protect your construction site this season:
1 - Install a security system that’s designed for your needs
Most security companies and sales reps are trained simply in selling their company’s products. Unfortunately, they are not trained in evaluating the unique security needs of your construction site, or developing a security plan that works for you. Be wary of security companies who are simply looking to cut corners and sell you predetermined packages. These companies are just looking to beat their competitors on price to make the sale.
A security company should visit your location and understand the unique security needs of your construction site. They should be able to offer you multiple solutions, and explain to you exactly how they will protect your business. Here at Sonitrol Western Canada we offer a free custom security plan, at no cost and no obligation.
2 - Track your equipment
You should always identify each piece of equipment that you currently have on-site. Keep this information up-to-date and secure, and take photos of each piece of equipment if needed. If you purchase new items make sure you immediately make a record of them. This will allow you to keep track of your equipment, and if the worst happens, you will be aware when something is missing.
3 - Use a verified alarm system
Don’t use a conventional CCTV video alarm system. A conventional security system that sets off an alarm will not deter a criminal, in fact, it will simply act as a deadline for them to get out. Criminals know that once an alarm is set off they have at least 20 minutes before the police show up. That’s if the police even bother. The likelihood of catching a criminal is far lower with a conventional alarm, and most are simply false alarms anyway.
Sonitrol’s verified alarm system, however, has helped the police apprehend more than 175,000 criminals. Our 24/7 verified alarm cuts out false alarms and protects your construction site from thieves and vandals. Our very low 3 per cent false alarm rate, coupled with the partnerships we have built with local police, are why police forces hurry to Sonitrol alarms, and not to others.
4 - Secure your perimeter with infrared cameras
Many construction sites have large open spaces, making them an easy target for thieves, especially at night. Secure your perimeter with verified alarms and locks, and install infrared cameras that can catch criminals in the dark.
The addition of light to your perimeter will attract criminals and make it easy for them to make off with your equipment. An infrared camera that can see these criminals in the dark is the best method to halt their getaway.
Fences and locks may help to deter an amateur criminal, but those with experience will know they can easily get through. A verified alarm is the best way to catch these criminals and stop them coming back.
Sonitrol has helped the police apprehend so many criminals that word-of-mouth has now made thieves wary of our state-of-the-art technology. Simply having our technology on your premise is enough to warn off experienced criminals.
Here at Sonitrol Western Canada we have been serving the construction industry for more than 50 years. We have a program specifically tailored to meet the specific security needs of your construction site. Why leave it up to chance?
Contact us today and find out why Sonitrol Western Canada is the right choice for you.

May 31, 2018