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Will The New Verified Response Laws Make Your Old Security Alarm Obsolete?

Joe Wilson
by Joe Wilson
October 23, 2015

Sonitrol Canada Verified Response for PoliceA new law enforcement trend is sweeping the country – Verified Response.

Police Departments across Canada and the United States are continually challenged by the need to respond to all alarms even though a staggering 98 percent of all alarm activations are false.

These days Police departments are taking on additional law enforcement duties and increased responsibilities, so the ability to free up time and re-deploy police officers to higher-priority calls has never been more important.

Therefore Police and municipalities are turning to Verified Response laws and heavy fines for false alarms, as demonstrated by Toronto going Verified-Only as of January 1st 2016. These new laws require verification of an event before police will respond to the scene, in an effort to reduce the amount of time wasted responding to false alarms.

As more cities adopt Verified Response and many more Police departments are considering it, businesses have to consider their options on implementing verified alarm system technologies. Verified alarm response policies vary from one city to another, but Verified Response generally states that police will respond to an alarm only if it can first be verified through audio or video or by an eyewitness.

A Sonitrol Verified Alarms System Makes Every Second Count

Without verification of the alarm, it can take police upwards of 45 minutes to respond.
A private security guard can verify the alarm, but guards are costly, and this approach still can result in delays averaging 17 minutes.
With Sonitrol’s audio and/or video electronic surveillance, all alarms are verified. The average response time for a Sonitrol alarm is just 3.5 minutes.
Police Give Sonitrol Top Priority

From a reliability standpoint, what separates Sonitrol from all other alarm companies is the crucial and accurate information that is provided on the way to a scene. Sonitrol is the best system out there for making apprehensions.

Sonitrol Intelligent Alarms Verify Activity to Assist Police

The false alarm rate of conventional systems is as high as 98%, an unacceptable figure by any measure.

Sonitrol’s intelligent verification technology is different. Our audio and video technology allows us to immediately verify whether a break-in is in progress, or whether a false alarm has sounded. This keeps our false alarm dispatch rate at a low of only 3% and our apprehension rate high (we have 72,000 apprehensions to date and counting!) because we provide police with real-time intelligence as they respond to the scene.

With Sonitrol, security is no longer a guessing game - it's an intelligent response to catch the criminals.
Sonitrol alarms are given high priority by police departments
Sonitrol has a high apprehension rate
Sonitrol has a low false alarm rate
Sonitrol has strong working relationships with local police departments
Sonitrol is a Name Police Know and Trust

Our state-of-the-art technology and trained central monitoring station operators can hear, interpret and report the sounds being made inside a building as they occur. No other security system can give police such accurate, real-time information.

That's why Sonitrol Verified Response works. Contact us for a free security assessment.

Commercial Security Experts!


About Sonitrol Western Canada:


We're so confident in our technology and responsive service, that no one else in the industry can match our guarantee.  Our unique verified audio and CCTV video business security solutions enable our operators to hear and see what is happening in your business before the criminals gain entry!!  We verify the actual source of the alarm, and we get the police to attend the scene immediately.  FOR A FREE SECURITY AUDIT, click here, or call 1-866-766-4876.

We are a security company with over 150 offices across North America. Sonitrol Western Canada services clients in:

Sonitrol Western Canada, with its Verified Electronic Security Systems, is committed to providing customers with the most comprehensive security protection.  Cooperation in the elimination of false alarms is not only beneficial to the system’s user, but results in better protection of the entire community by allowing law enforcement to use their resources as efficiently as possible.


Joe Wilson
Post by Joe Wilson
October 23, 2015
We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!


Learn what the competition isn't telling you about commercial security systems

Become a more informed security system buyer, as this guide explains in detail why conventional alarms are ineffective, and could make your business vulnerable to theft and robbery.