Sonitrol Security

Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe Wilson



How to Secure a Legal Marijuana Grow-Op or Retail Store

Posted by Joe Wilson

March 29, 2016

Licensed marijuana grow ops and retail stores have very specific security needs. They are high-risk targets, and often, companies providing traditional security solutions are either unwilling or unable to provide the all encompassing security solutions that this industry needs.

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Topics: Retail Security, Security Tips, Security for Marijuana Grow-Ops

Top 5 Common Security Mistakes Made By Businesses

Posted by Joe Wilson

March 21, 2016

If you’re a business, new, expanding, moving or just looking into security for the first time, it’s important to understand what exactly is at stake, and make an informed choice so you can protect your business from possible threats. Threats may be internal, such as employee theft and shipping errors - or external, such as data breaches, break-ins, and vandalism. If you're looking for a security solution, it’s important you understand your industries main risks and your individual business vulnerabilities so you can avoid some common security mistakes. In this blog we’ve outlined the top 5 common security mistakes that businesses make when choosing a security solution for their building or property.

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Topics: Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance, Verified Security Alarms

5 Ways to Improve Security on a Construction Site

Posted by Joe Wilson

March 08, 2016

During a construction project, there are always going to be security threats specific to construction sites that can be difficult to manage. Unprotected sites will have a high risk of theft of uninstalled materials, equipment (such as copper cables), and installed materials, such as copper wire & pipes that can be torn out of walls. You have valuable assets to protect and deadlines to meet, and so security for construction sites should be top of mind.

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Topics: Security Tips, SonaVision Online Monitoring, Security for Construction Sites

5 Ways to Improve Your Warehouse Security System

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 26, 2016

Warehouses and distribution centres often pose a unique challenge for traditional security systems. With their often massive size and complex layout, vulnerabilities often occur that can expose your inventory to not only external threats such as break-ins but internal threats such as employee theft.

We’ve come up with 5 solid ways you can increase security in your warehouse or distribution centre, and protect your valuable inventory and assets from theft and vandalism.

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Topics: Security Tips, Verified Security Alarms, Security for Warehouses & Manufacturing

5 Tips To Increase Your Restaurant Security

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 12, 2016

The competitor down the street is not the only threat to your business. Your restaurant is vulnerable to vandalism, break-ins, hold-ups, employee theft, and even freezer failures. Protecting your assets and inventory from these types of threats is not easy, so we've come up with a few tips to help you improve your restaurant, bar, or lounge security.Whether you own a high-volume club/ lounge, a chain of family-themed restaurant, or a 5-star fine-dining establishment, you will want to make sure your security is up to par - but also tailored to fit your specific needs.

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Topics: Security Tips, Restaurant Security

Top 10 Reasons Keys Put Your Business at Risk

Posted by Joe Wilson

January 25, 2016

Do you use keys to secure your business? If the answer is yes, you may be exposing your business to an uneccessary security risk.  The following is a list of 10 reasons keys might be a liability at your company.

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Topics: Security Tips, Building Access Control

Providing Security for Garages and Parking Lots

Posted by Joe Wilson

January 11, 2016

Because garages and parking lots contain valuable vehicles and possibly valuable contents car owners and their passengers could be potential victims theft and violence. Garages and parking lots are frequently favoured "hunting grounds" for robbers and thieves - so owners and operators have a big responsibility for safety.
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Topics: Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance

4 Personal Safety Tips When You're In A Parking Garage

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 31, 2016

You've probably used parking garages at some time, maybe on campus, at the mall, or even where you work.

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Topics: Security Tips, Building Access Control

10 Robbery Prevention Tips

Posted by Joe Wilson

November 26, 2015

Preventing a robbery is critically important to most businesses and the safety of your employees and customers is paramount. Making robbery prevention a part of your overall security strategy can help you, your employees and your business reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of violent crime.

Burglary and theft are crimes against property, but robbery is a crime against people. 


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Topics: Retail Security, Security Tips

75 Point Checklist to Make Your Retail Store Safe for the Holidays

Posted by Joe Wilson

October 30, 2015

As we approach the holiday season and the busiest time of year for retailers we need to take into account the security and safety of your retail store. To help with this we have created an invaluable security check list eBook for retailers for the holiday season - You can download the ebook here.


As a retailer, you're probably well aware of how costly and time consuming it is to manage loss prevention.


Shrinkage losses are a constant battle and not only hit the bottom line, but indirectly cost retailers time and resources for loss prevention management. Every retail storeowner needs to think seriously about preventing theft from a profit and loss perspective.


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Topics: Retail Security, Security Tips

Commercial thefts spike by 70% in Calgary over 2014

Posted by Joe Wilson

September 18, 2015

A few weeks ago, The Calgary Sun reported a spike in commercial thefts last year … by a staggering 70%!  According to Calgary Police, this unbelievable spike in thefts can be attributed to an increase in opiate drug use and the economic downturn. 

"Calgary has seen a reduction in marijuana, powder cocaine and crack cocaine demand and a higher demand for the opiate drugs, oxycontin, heroin and in particular the fentanyl drugs, which are highly addictive [and] very dangerous when you're coming down, which means you need to get another hit of the fentanyl again.” - Supt. Kevin Stuart

The combination of drug use and job loss has contributed to this huge increase in theft … creating a truly desperate criminal looking to support their use of a highly addictive and dangerous drug.

"Thirty-five thousand Calgarians have lost their jobs, which affects a lot more people than that, so that's a significant number of people in a city the size of Calgary out of work."  -Supt. Kevin Stuart 

Commercial theft includes construction site robberies, including new home build sites and fenced compounds, where valuable metals such as copper wire is stored.  In addition to theft of precious metals like copper, these new building sites are also vulnerable to theft of appliances like furnaces, air conditioning units, tools and hot water tanks.

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Topics: Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance, Prevent Copper Theft, Security for Construction Sites

Sonitrol Criminal Captures - Top 10 Lessons Learned

Posted by Joe Wilson

September 11, 2015

I’ve been in this security business for a long time.  So I’ve seen some very interesting and entertaining break-in attempts caught on Sonitrol cameras.  But the question I often find myself asking when I watch criminal capture videos is “Why did you ever think you’d get away with this"?  Even when the Police arrive on-scene, I wonder why some of these criminals act like fools, they don’t just give in ... they run and they hide, but they’re always caught.

One thing I do know – criminals behave in similar ways, their patterns are often repeated, so I can group some of the most stupid criminal acts into a top 10 list.  Here are some of the “lessons learned” from the many criminal apprehensions Sonitrol has been part of when using our verified security systems:

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Topics: Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance

5 Ways A Managed Access Control System Can Improve Your Security

Posted by Joe Wilson

July 16, 2015

Businesses with less than 100 employees tend to be the most vulnerable to losses caused by internal theft and workplace violence. When you add to that external threats from would-be thieves and violent criminals to the mix, the overall security risks to a small business increase dramatically.

A managed access control system is one of the easiest, most cost-effective methods of increasing security at your store, site or office.    

One of the most important benefits from using a managed access control system is that it gives you more control over your business, who's coming and going, and this equates to an immediate reduction in your security risks.

I've identified 5 ways a managed access control system can improve your security:

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Topics: Security Tips, Building Access Control

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need Managed Access Security For Your Business

Posted by Joe Wilson

July 03, 2015

Today more than ever, it’s sad to say but, you just don't know who to trust. With employee theft rates on the rise, now more than ever, it’s critical for business owners and managers to be in control of access to their property, businesses and buildings.

According to recently released stats in the U.S., a staggering 71,095 dishonest employees were apprehended in their workplace in 2012, and that figure has most likely risen since then. Employee theft and workplace violence of any kind is just unacceptable and you have to do something about it.

This makes many businesses vulnerable to internal, as well as external threats it’s important to understand the benefits of a Managed Access Control System. Not only can monitored access control systems track and restrict who goes where and when, these systems also only allow authorized users to enter your facility or designated areas at certain times within your facility.

I think there are many good reasons to having a managed access control system as part of your business security system, so here are the main top 10 benefits!

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Topics: Security Tips, Building Access Control

The 6 Best CCTV Locations To Protect Your Business

Posted by Joe Wilson

June 03, 2015


No matter what type of business you're in, an integrated CCTV surveillance security system is one of the best ways to protect your property, building, compound, construction site, office, warehouse, school, retail store or church. 

Investing in a modern closed-circuit television (CCTV) system that is integrated with security technologies such as audio detection, managed access and 24/7 verified video monitoring can save you money and time, while reducing insurance premiums and potential losses.

Using CCTV cameras is also one of the best ways to help keep your employees and customers honest and safe, providing a watchful eye to deter crime and keep you informed. 

But where are the best places to position your CCTV system to make sure you minimize your risks? 


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Topics: Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance, Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

5 Strategies To Prevent Occupational Fraud

Posted by Joe Wilson

March 19, 2015


In my last blog I spoke about occupational fraud protection, what it is and some key motivations behind it. In this blog I'll look at 5 strategies for preventing occupational fraud.

Occupational fraud is a real threat to Canadian businesses, unfortunately more than half of small businesses and mid-sizes enterprises that are vulnerable to occupational fraud do not believe they're at risk, yet 1 in 4 businesses experienced incidents of occupational fraud in the past fiscal year. That's a real threat and a risk you have to prepare for.


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Topics: Security Tips, Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

18 Security Risk Questions You Must Ask To Protect Your Business

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 20, 2015

Do you need to protect your business from internal and external threats? Are you afraid of criminals attacking your staff, robbing you or stealing your inventory?


I've worked in the security business for many years and I've found that asking a few simple security questions about your business can help build an accurate picture about your security risks. 


Answering yes to any of these questions indicates that your business may be at risk and vulnerable to a threat, and that you should take immediate action to do something about it.

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Topics: Security Tips, Office Workplace Security

5 Strategies to Protect Your Business From Criminal Tailgating

Posted by Joe Wilson

February 13, 2015

You walk into your workplace, use your security card to swipe in, and then open the door for the person entering behind you.  This simple, courteous action can have serious consequences.

One of the easiest ways for a criminal to gain entry into your business is by “tailgating” your employees as they enter or exit their workplace. 

As criminals become bolder, tailgating is becoming a common security breach that refers to a situation where an unauthorized person tags along with an authorized person to gain entry into a restricted area or pass a certain checkpoint, without the consent of the authorized person.

So the main question comes down to, how to prevent tailgating in your office?

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Topics: Security Tips, Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

How to Protect Your Business from Criminals During Business Hours

Posted by Joe Wilson

January 16, 2015


Not all break-ins occur at night. 

There are many instances reported by the Police of break-ins during daytime, by audacious criminals who pretend to be employees, an IT worker, or a repairman. They just casually walk into an office (usually larger offices with lots of staff), and steal valuables from the desk of employees.

These businesses are incredibly lucky.  While it is extremely unfortunate that valuable items owned by employees are stolen, the situation could be much worse.  

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Topics: Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance, Office Workplace Security, Building Access Control

3 Ways Sonitrol Security Alarms Are Different From Other Alarms

Posted by Joe Wilson

December 22, 2014

There are hundreds security companies out there who will sell you low end, inadequate consumer monitored security products; such as surveillance CCTV cameras, listening devices, motion detectors, and various alarms that look cool and some working off smart devices - but will they properly protect your business?

The so called security companies that sell you these "low-end' security alarms, may impress you with the latest technology, but it's very likely they don't have the security experience and expertise to recommend a fully integrated central station monitored security system that will really work to protect your premises, assets and employees. They primarily want to sell you any security device, maybe install it for you, and then the relationship is over.

When looking at a security system, you have to consider your responsibility as it relates to business risk, your insurance policy and your employee safety, and going cheap with a self monitored systems is not recommended and will cost you when a crime is committed.

Sonitrol Western Canada Is A Different Type Of Security Firm

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Topics: Retail Security, Security Tips, CCTV Video Surveillance, Office Workplace Security

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Joe Wilson, Owner of Sonitrol Western Canada

We provide our customers with the best commercial security solutions and quality service backed by our unique Guarantee and Commitment to Service. It's something unverified conventional alarm companies simply cannot guarantee!

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